Kučerová Olga

Structured CV KUČEROVÁ Olga

Research Interests:


specific learning disabilities - writing

school psychology

university counselling

Employment History

2018–now: Counselling Psychologist, Academic Counselling Centre, Faculty of Education CU

2020–now: Assistant rofessor and researcher, Faculty of Education CU, Department of Psychology

Selected grant projects (2013-2023)

Researcher of project Ministry of Education Youth and Sports: Teachers' understanding of the causes of school failure and the effectiveness of pedagogical interventions (2020–2023)

Head of project Ministry of Education Youth and Sports IKAP2_ Cyberbullying (2021–2023)

Researcher of project TA ČR TL0100365 Key literacy skills for primary school pupils – diagnostic battery (2018–2022)

Head of project GA UK Development of written expression in pupils from 1st to 5th grade of primary school (2015 – 2017)

Research assistant of project GA ČR P407/13/20678S Reading comprehension – typical development and its risks (2013–2016)

Selected publications (2013-2023)

Eliášková, K. & Kučerová, O. (2023) Teachers and teaching assistants – teamwork as prevention of school failure of pupils during primary education. Studia edukacyjne, (70), 225-249.

Kucharská, A. et al. (2022). Školní poradenské služby. [School counseling centre]. Praha: Univerzita Karlova, Pedagogická fakulta.

Kucharská, A., Špačková, K., Seidlová Málková, G. Sotáková, H. Presslerová, P., & Kučerová, O. (2021) PorTex – klíčové gramotnostní dovednosti u žáků základní škol. A. Manuál diagnostické testové baterie pro žáky 1. stupně ZŠ. [PorTex - key literacy skills in primary school students. A manual of diagnostic test battery for primary school students in the first grade]. Praha: Pedagogická fakulta UK.

Kučerová, O. & Kucharská, A. (2018). Acquiring penmanship and writing skills from the first to fifth grade of primary school: Joined-up writing vs. Comenia Script. Journal of Language and Cultural Education, 6(2), 1-13.

Kučerová, O., Kucharská, A., & et al. (2018). Vázaný a nevázaný vzor písma v českých školách. Praha: Univerzita Karlova, Pedagogická fakulta.

Hoždorová, Z. & Kučerová, O. (2017). Silent reading comprehension in fifth grade pupils. Gramotnost, pregramotnost a vzdělávání. 1(3), 55-65.

Poslední změna: 28. listopad 2024 00:19 
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Univerzita Karlova

Pedagogická fakulta

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