Smetáčková Irena

Structured CV SMETÁČKOVÁ Irena

Research Interests

Professional Development and Stress

Teaching and Learning Strategies

Gender Identity Development

Diversity in Education

Work Career

2019–now: Head of Department of Psychology

2015–now: psychologist in the peer on-line counseling “Sbarvouven” (focused on LGBT Coming out issues)

2004–now: Associate professor (till 2015 Assistant Professor), Department of Psychology, Faculty of Education, Charles University, Prague

2002–2005: Researcher, Institute of School Assessment (CERMAT), Prague

2005-2006: Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences

2000–2003: Psychologist (2/3 load), Center for Psychological Counseling in Education, Prague 10

1997–2000: Teacher (1/2 load), Vocational School, Prague 10

Selected grant projects (2013-2023)

2003- 2025: Gender Empowerment through Politics in Classroom (G-EPIC); co-investigator, Horizon (101095000)

2020-2022: Teacher´s Perspective on School Failure; investigator, OPVVV (CZ.02.3.68/0.0/0.0/19_076/0016390)

2023-2025: Individual, Social and Institutional Factors in Inclusion of LGBT+ Students (School4All), investigator, GA ČR (23-07934S)

2018-2021: Teacher Supervision as Prevention of Teacher Burnout, investigator, TAČR (TL01000399)

2016–2018: Teacher Burnout Syndrome”, investigator, GA ČR (16-21302S)

2014–2017: Legitimization of Stereotypes in Czech society, co-investigator, GAČR (14-22000S)

2016-2018: Mathematics word problems as a way to application and understanding of mathematical concepts, co-investigator, GA ČR (16–6134S)

2011–2014: Critical areas of primary school mathematics - analysis of teachers didactic practices funded, co-investigagor, GA ČR (14-22000S)

Selected publications (2013-2023)

Štech, S., & Smetáčková, I. (2023). Teacher and parental views on inclusive education policy lending in the Czech Republic. European Journal of Education, 58(2), 233-244.

Štech, S., & Smetáčková, I. (2021). L’enseignement distanciel en République tchèque–le miroir familial des inégalités scolaires. Administration Education, (1), 135-140.

Smetackova, I., & Stech, S. (2021). The first wave of the COVID‐19 pandemic in primary schools in the Czech Republic: Parental perspectives. European Journal of Education, 56(4), 564-577.

Smetáčková, I., Ptáček, R., Vňuková, M., & Děchtěrenko, F. (2023). Dopad ADHD na plánování, coping a časovou perspektivu v každodenním životě jedince (Impact of ADHD on planning, coping and time perspective in an individual's daily life). Československá psychologie, 67(1), 15-29.

Smetáčková, I., Stará, J., & Chytrý, V. (2023). Učitelský pohled na školní ne/úspěšnost na 1. stupni základní školy: potřeba nové definice. Studia paedagogica, 28(1), 9-34.

Smetáčková, I. & Štech, S. (eds.) (2020). Učitelské vyhoření: proč vzniká a jak se proti němu bránit (Teacher Burnout: What are the reasons and what prevents). Praha: Portál.

Smetáčková, I., Francová, V., et al. (2021). Kolegiální sdílení profesních zkušeností mezi vyučujícími (Techniques of collegial exchange of professional experience). Charles University, Faculty of Education Press.

Ptáček, R., Vňuková, M., Smetáčková, I., Weissenberger, S., Harsa, P., & Raboch, J. (2019). Who Burns out More? Comparison of Burnout Levels Between Teachers and Physicians in the Czech Republic. Activitas Nervosa Superior, 61(4), 165-169.

Smetackova, I., Viktorova, I., Pavlas Martanova, V., Pachova, A., Francova, V., & Stech, S. (2019). Teachers Between Job Satisfaction and Burnout Syndrome: What Makes Difference in Czech Elementary Schools. Frontiers in Psychology, 10:2287. doi:, 5 (12), s. 990-997.

Hnilica, K., Francová, V., Komárková, T., & Smetáčková, I. (2017). Stereotypes and moral legitimization of social stratification. Czechoslovak Psychology, 61 (2), 109-122.

Smetáčková, I. (2016). Feminine a masculine labels: impact for prestige evaluation. Gender and research, 17(2), 81-92.

Smetáčková, I. (2016). Genderové představy a vztahy (Gender notions and gendered relationships). Praha: Slon.

Smetáčková, I., & Rubín, T. (2015). Když se dívky srovnávají s chlapci: Aktivace genderových stereotypů a výkon v matematice (When girls compare themselves to boys: activation of gender stereotype and achievement in mathematics in Czech schools). Ceskoslovenska Psychologie, 59(6), 521-537.

Academic Honours and Awards

2021 – ČAPV Award for the Best Publication of the Year in Educational Sciences

Research stays

2022-2024: Annual 1-week stays at University of St. Andrews, Scotland

2013-2016: Annual 1-week stays at University of Turin, Italy

2021: Hamburg University, Germany (1 month)

2015: CITO, Netherlands (1 month)

Poslední změna: 28. listopad 2024 00:18 
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