Structured CV LUKAVSKÝ Jiří
Research Interests
Visual perception
Eye movements
Mathematical models
Employment History
2003 - present: researcher Institute of Psychology, Czech Academy of Sciences
2016 - present: lecturer Department of Psychology, Faculty of Arts
Selected grant projects (2013-2023)
2019 - 2021: Tracking moving objects – identity, uncertainty, and visually rich environments, investigator, GA ČR (19-07690S)
2016 - 2018: Visual scene memory: the effect of correlation of visual input in space and time on memory fidelity, investigator, GA ČR (16-07983S)
2013 - 2015: Personality and spontaneous brain activity during rest and movie watching: relation and structural determinants, co-investigator, GA ČR (13-23940S)
Selected publications (2013-2023)
DĚCHTĚRENKO, F., & LUKAVSKÝ, J. (2022). False memories when viewing overlapping scenes. PeerJ, 10, e13187.
JIČÍNSKÁ, L., SEDLÁČKOVÁ, P., KOLEK, L., TETOUROVÁ, T., VOLNÁ, K., LUKAVSKÝ, J., & BROM, C. (2021). Extrinsically Integrated Instructional Quizzes in Learning Games: An Educational Disaster or Not? Frontiers in Psychology, 12.
LUKAVSKÁ, K., HRABEC, O., LUKAVSKÝ, J., DEMETROVICS, Z., & KIRÁLY, O. (2022). The associations of adolescent problematic internet use with parenting: A meta-analysis. Addictive Behaviors, 135, 107423.
LUKAVSKÝ, J. (2013). Eye movements in repeated multiple object tracking. Journal of Vision, 13(7), 9–9.
LUKAVSKÝ, J. (2019). Scene categorization in the presence of a distractor. Journal of Vision, 19(2), 6.
LUKAVSKÝ, J., & DĚCHTĚRENKO, F. (2016). Gaze position lagging behind scene content in multiple object tracking: Evidence from forward and backward presentations. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 78(8), 2456–2468.
LUKAVSKÝ, J., & DĚCHTĚRENKO, F. (2017). Visual properties and memorising scenes: Effects of image-space sparseness and uniformity. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 79(7), 2044–2054.
LUKAVSKÝ, J., & MEYERHOFF, H. S. (2023). Gaze coherence reveals distinct tracking strategies in multiple object and multiple identity tracking. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review.
LUKAVSKÝ, J., OKSAMA, L., & DĚCHTĚRENKO, F. (2022). Multiple object tracking with extended occlusions. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 76(9), 2094–2106.
STÁRKOVÁ, T., LUKAVSKÝ, J., JAVORA, O., & BROM, C. (2019). Anthropomorphisms in multimedia learning: Attract attention but do not enhance learning? Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 35(4), 555–568.
Academic Honours and Awards (2013-2023)
2012 - Otto Wichterle Award
Research stays (2013-2023)
Feb 2010 – June 2010 : Institute of Behavioural Sciences, University of Helsinki, Finland
Univerzita Karlova
Pedagogická fakulta
Magdalény Rettigové 4, 116 39 Praha 1,
Tel.: +420 221 900 111
IČ: 00216208
DIČ: CZ00216208