Structured CV HAVLÍČEK Jan
Research Interests
Social perception
Chemical communication
Romantic relationships
Evolutionary psychology
Work Career
2001 – 2004: Junior Researcher, Research Centre for Development of Personality and Ethnicity, Faculty of Humanities, Charles University
2005 – 2012: Lecturer at Faculty of Humanities, Charles University
2013 – 2024: Associate Professor, Faculty of Science, Charles University
2024 – present: Full Professor, Faculty of Science, Charles University
2015 – present: Senior Researcher, National Institute of Mental Health, Klecany
Selected grant projects (2013-2023)
Nature and Culture: Historical, cultural, and biological concepts of human nature.
Holder: Charles University, Faculty of Science; Funding body: Charles University; Project ID: UNCE 204056, Duration of the project: 2018-2023 (Principal investigator)
Effect of parental characteristics on mate choice.
Holder: Charles University, Faculty of Science; Funding body: Czech Science Foundation; Project ID: GAČR 18-15168S; Duration of the project: 2018-2020 (Principal investigator)
Perception of potential opponents and allies in physical encounters.
Holder: Charles University, Faculty of Science; Funding body: Czech Science Foundation; Project ID: GAČR 16-03899S; Duration of the project: 2016-2018 (Principal investigator)
The role of trigeminal perception in formation of olfactory preferences.
Holder: Charles University, Faculty of Science; Funding body: Czech Science Foundation; Project ID: GAČR 14-02290S; Duration of the project: 2014-2016 (Principal investigator)
Nature & Culture: Interaction of cultural and biological evolution in interdisciplinary perspective.
University Research Centre UNCE 204004. Holder: Charles University, Faculty of Science; Funding body: Charles University; Project ID: UNCE 204004, Duration of the project: 2012-2017 (Principal investigator)
Selected publications (2013-2023)
TŘEBICKÝ, V., DELPLANQUE, S., FERDENZI-LEMAITRE, C., FINK, B., JELÍNKOVÁ, L., PÁTKOVÁ Ž., ROBERTS, S.C., RÖDER, S., SAXTON, T.K., SCHWAMBERGOVÁ, D., ŠTĚRBOVÁ, Z., TŘEBICKÁ FIALOVÁ J., & HAVLÍČEK, J. (2023). Attractiveness assessment across sensory modalities provides little support for the backup signals hypothesis: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Evolution and Human Behavior. 44: 19-29. DOI:10.1016/j.evolhumbehav.2022.11.001
CSAJBÓK, Z., ŠTĚRBOVÁ, Z., JONASON, P.K., CERMAKOVA, P., DÓKA, A., & HAVLÍČEK, J. (2022). Variation in depressive symptom trajectories in a large-scale sample of couples. Translational Psychiatry. 12: 206. DOI:10.1038/s41398-022-01950-w
SCHWAMBERGOVÁ, D., SOROKOWSKA, A., SLÁMOVÁ Ž., TŘEBICKÁ FIALOVÁ J. SABINIEWICZ, A., NOWAK-KORNICKA, J., BORKOWSKA, B., PAWŁOWSKI, B., & HAVLÍČEK, J. (2021). No evidence for association between human body odour quality and immune system functioning. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 132: 105363. DOI:10.1016/j.psyneuen.2021.105363
HAVLÍČEK, J., WINTERNITZ, & ROBERTS, S.C. (2020). MHC-associated odour preferences and human mate choice: near and far horizons. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. 375: 20190260. DOI:10.1098/rstb.2019.0260
TŘEBICKÁ FIALOVÁ, J., TŘEBICKÝ, V., KUBA, R., STELLA, D., BINTER, J., & HAVLÍČEK, J. (2020). Losing stinks! The effect of the competition outcome on body odour quality. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. 375: 20190267. DOI:10.1098/rstb.2019.0267
KLEISNER, K., KOČNAR, T., TUREČEK, P., STELLA, D., AKOKO, R., TŘEBICKÝ, V., & HAVLÍČEK, J. (2017). African and European perception of African female attractiveness. Evolution and Human Behavior. 38: 744-755. DOI:10.1016/j.evolhumbehav.2017.07.002
HAVLÍČEK, J., TŘEBICKÝ, V., VALENTOVA, J.V., KLEISNER, K., AKOKO, R., FIALOVÁ, J., JASH, R., KOČNAR, T., PEREIRA, K., ŠTĚRBOVÁ, Z., VARELLA, M.A.C., VOKURKOVÁ, J. VUNAN, E. & ROBERTS, S.C. (2017). Male preferences for female breast size and shape in four cultures. Evolution and Human Behavior. 38: 217-226. DOI:10.1016/j.evolhumbehav.2016.10.002
HAVLÍČEK, J., COBEY, K.D., BARRETT, L., KLAPILOVÁ, K., & ROBERTS, S.C. (2015). The spandrels of Santa Barbara? A new perspective on the peri-ovulation paradigm. Behavioral Ecology. 26: 1249-1260. DOI:10.1093/beheco/arv064
ROBERTS, S.C., LITTLE, A.C., BURRISS, R.P., COBEY, K.D., KLAPILOVÁ, K., HAVLÍČEK, J. JONES, B.C., DEBRUINE, L.M. & PETRIE, M. (2014). Partner choice, relationship satisfaction and oral contraception: The congruency hypothesis. Psychological Science. 25: 1497-1503. DOI:10.1177/0956797614532295
TŘEBICKÝ, V., HAVLÍČEK, J. ROBERTS, S.C., LITTLE, A.C. & KLEISNER, K. (2013). Perceived aggressiveness predicts fighting performance in Mixed Martial Arts fighters. Psychological Science. 24: 1664-1672. DOI:10.1177/0956797613477117
Academic Honours and Awards (2013-2023)
2021 – present: Vice-president of the International Society for Human Ethology
2013 – 2016: Outreach Officer of the European Human Behaviour and Evolution Association
2006 – 2009 President of the Czech and Slovak Ethological Society
Research stays (2013-2023)
3/2018 – 3/2018: Department of Psychology, University of Stirling
8/2016 – 9/2016, Fieldwork on olfactory awareness in children, Wanang, Papua New Guinea
11/2015 – 12 2015, Department of Psychology, University of Stirling
11/2013 – 11/2013, Fieldwork on male intrasexual competition, Babanki, Cameroon
Univerzita Karlova
Pedagogická fakulta
Magdalény Rettigové 4, 116 39 Praha 1,
Tel.: +420 221 900 111
IČ: 00216208
DIČ: CZ00216208