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Výsledky projektu Média a Evropská Uprchlická Krize: srovnání mediálního pokrytí a novinářských rutin v mainstreamových a alternativních médiích v České republice


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(Celkem 8 zázn.)
Pekacek, Ondrej. The Rise of the Alternative: Critical Usefulness of the “Alternative Media” Notion in the Czech Context. In Maria Francesca Murru, Fausto Colombo, Laura Peja, Simone Tosoni, Richard Kilborn, Risto Kunelius, Pille Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt, Leif Kramp, Nico Carpentier . Communication as the intersection of the old and the new. Bremen: Edition Lumière, 2019. s. 45–58. [Kapitola nebo část knihy]
ISBN: 978-3-9480-77-03-7
Esser, Frank; Stępińska, Agnieszka; Pekacek, Ondrej; Papathanassopoulos, Stylianos; Sedonne, Antonella; Peicheva, Dobrinka; Milojevic, Ana; Blassnig, Sina; Engesser, Sven. Event-, Politics-, and Audience-Driven News. A Two-Year Comparison of Populism in European Media Coverage. In Carsten Reinemann, James Stanyer, Toril Aalberg, Frank Esser, Claes H. de Vreese. Communicating Populism: Comparing Actor Perceptions, Media Coverage, and Effects on Citizens in Europe. New York and London: Routledge, 2019. s. 123–140. [Kapitola nebo část knihy]
ISBN: 978-1138392724
Ondrej, Pekacek, Type of result: Workshop presentation, Name of the event: 1st Lisbon Winter School for the Study of Communication: Media and Populism Result title: Czech Media and the Refugee Crisis: media populism and journalistic culture in mainstream and alternative news outlets, Date & place: 15.1.-19.1.2019 / Universidade Católica Lisbon, Faculty of Human Sciences [Jiný výsledek]
Pekáček, Ondřej, Type of result: Conference presentation, Name of the event: "Fragile Europe", 5th Interim Conference, Political Sociology Research Network 32 of the European Sociological Association, Result title: The Role of Czech Alternative Media in Populist Political Communication, Date & place: 03.11.2018 / Institute of Sociological Studies, U Kříže 8 – 158 00 Prague 5 – Jinonice [Jiný výsledek]
Pekáček, Ondřej, Type of result: Workshop presentation, Name of the event: 5th Swiss Summer School of Democracy Studies, "Populism", Result title: Populist Political Communication of European Refugee Crisis in Czech media, Date & place: 11.6.-15.6.2018/Department of Political Science, University of Zurich [Jiný výsledek]
Pekáček, Ondřej, Panelist in the debate "Bridging Perspectives in a Politically Polarizing World" at Anglo-American University in June 2018. My talk focused on the role that diverse media systems, including the newly emergent alternative media, play in the process of political polarization [Jiný výsledek]
Pekáček, Ondřej, Type of result: Workshop presentation, Name of the event: European Media and Communication Doctoral Summer School, Result title: Czech Media and the European Refugee Crisis: Comparing media coverage and journalistic routines in mainstream and "alternative" news media outlets, Date & place: 19.7.-27.7.2018 / Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan [Jiný výsledek]
Pekáček, Ondřej, Type of result: Poster presentation, Name of the event: "Trust In Mediated Communication”, 4th International Summer School, Result title: Czech Media and the European Refugee Crisis Comparing populism and journalistic culture in mainstream and "alternative" media outlets, Date & place: 29.5.-3.6.2018/Department of Communication at the University of Münster, Germany [Jiný výsledek]
Poslední změna: 31. květen 2022 14:50 
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