Towards a European Degree Label: ED-AFFICHE final event

Towards a European Degree Label: ED-AFFICHE final event

The 4EU+ Alliance is proud to share key outcomes from the ED-AFFICHE final dissemination event, a significant milestone in the journey towards the European Degree Label

Held on 5 March 2024, the event gathered more than 300 participants, including students, representatives from the European Commission, ministries, quality assurance agencies, universities, and Higher Education associations.

The ED-AFFICHE project has been a collaborative effort among six European University Alliances bringing together 51 higher education institutions from 22 different countries. The consortium secured the support of 19 national and regional ministries in charge of higher education as well as 15 national accreditation and quality assurance agencies.

The final event was moderated by Marta Jaworska-Oknińska, the 4EU+ Educational Coordinator from the University of Warsaw, showcasing the active role of 4EU+ in the project's endeavors. Another 4EU+ representative, Josef Matoušek from Charles University, presented the recommendations for the design of the European Degree Label. Their contributions, along with those of their colleagues, are deeply valued, reflecting the collective effort and commitment of the 4EU+ Alliance towards achieving the project’s goals.

ED-AFFICHE achievements include, mapping obstacles to transnational collaboration in Higher Education, analysing criteria for the EDL, refining them based on university stakeholders' opinions as well as providing decision makers and HEIs with recommendations to facilitate transnational collaboration among universities and to implement the European degree.