The 4EU+ European University Alliance has one vision: to create a new quality of cooperation in teaching, education, research and administration. The cooperation is based on a common understanding of the idea of the European university that builds on academic freedom and autonomy and ensures fair access and participation in education.
To build this new kind of integrated European university system, the 4EU+ Alliance will focus on three challenges:
Boost Meaningful Mobility – Better integrating our curricula and making mobility seamless for students in terms of education and employment prospects, while accommodating diverse needs and preferences.
Increase inclusiveness and balance at a European level - Redressing inequalities in university capabilities to attract funding, gain international visibility and fully develop their potential in education, research, innovation and employment opportunities.
Develop a common challenge-based framework for education – Designing flexible learning paths and ensuring graduates have 21st-century skills that combine research-based education, diverse language skills and a strong global and European outlook.
The Rectors of eight partner universities—Charles, Heidelberg and Sorbonne Universities, Paris-Panthéon-Assas University and the Universities of Copenhagen , Geneva, Milan and Warsaw—have come together to establish a shared, seamless infrastructure, which will bring together professors, researchers, students and staff from six institutions.
The 4EU+ mission is to develop a barrier-free and continuously deepening cooperation in education, research and innovation within the Alliance. Through this collaboration and working in partnerships, we serve society to the highest level with our core values:
Academic and research freedom
Democratization of education
Students at the centre
Collaboration in an interdisciplinary approach
Research excellence
Creativity and openness
The collective ambition of 4EU+ is to strengthen the European vision of deeper cooperation and mutual enrichment. The transformation of our organisations through shared academic traditions and values and the expansion of well-established collaborations will benefit the alliance and in turn will better serve society.
Our universities are comprehensive, research-intensive, and innovative in teaching and learning and all enjoy vigorous socio-economic ecosystems. The 4EU+ member institutions are leading universities that are recognised nationally, within Europe, and internationally. This Alliance will solidify our already strong commitment to lead by example in creating university synergies in learning, research and innovation that reinforce each other in our missions and cooperation with the external environment.
4EU+ intends to play a pilot role in disseminating the vision of European Universities.
Read the full 4EU+ Mission Statement
See an overview of academic calendars and public holidays of 4EU+ universities
The seven members of 4EU+ are large, well-established, comprehensive, public European research universities. They are the top universities in their respective countries, and share European values. In geographical terms, the Member States where our institutions are situated stretch from the Mediterranean to the North and Baltic Seas, covering 39% of the EU territory and educating 49% of students of the EU countries.
4EU+ in Numbers:
• Students:
• Academic staff:
• Other staff:
• Erasmus+ projects:
• Horizon 2020 Funding (Net EU contribution):
842, 8 M€
• ERC projects: