4EU+ affirms its support for the CIVIS initiative for the revision of the Erasmus+ BIP criteria

4EU+ affirms its support for the CIVIS initiative for the revision of the Erasmus+ BIP criteria

In a joint effort, the 4EU+ Alliance aligns with CIVIS to actively endorse the proposal for revising the criteria of Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programmes (BIPs).

These programs, conducted by a minimum of three higher education institutions from at least three EU Member States and associated third countries, play a vital role in fostering innovative and collaborative education.

The primary challenge lies in changing the current restrictive criterion that requires the participation of at least 15 Erasmus+ students to qualify for organisational support. This requirement is considered too restrictive and has prompted CIVIS to propose a revision, allowing for up to one-third of international participants to come from Bologna Process countries (e.g. Switzerland) or be funded by Erasmus+ external policy funds.

Recognising the benefits of this proposal, 4EU+ acknowledges its potential to facilitate programme management, attract top talents, align with Erasmus+ objectives to strengthen the European Higher Education Area, and grant 3 ECTS credits for students from Bologna Process countries.

By supporting the CIVIS initiative calling on the European Commission to reassess BIP criteria, 4EU+ reaffirms its commitment to the diversity of participants, thereby fostering cross-border collaboration within BIPs. This stance underlines the significance of re-evaluating eligibility criteria to ensure more inclusive and seamless student mobility.

CIVIS asks for a revision of eligibility criteria of Blended Intensive Programmes (BIP) to attract talented students from around the world (CIVIS website)