Exploring EU migration: a multidisciplinary perspective

Exploring EU migration: a multidisciplinary perspective

On 11 and 12 September 2023, an international interdisciplinary conference, supported by the Charles University 4EU+ student minigrant, took place at the Faculty of Law of Charles University in Prague.

It brought together more than 25 young scholars from diverse backgrounds, including law, linguistics, and political science, to shed light on the complex issue of migration within the European Union.

The conference aimed to find common ground between these fields and encourage collaboration among these emerging researchers. The event featured panels on constitutional and European law, linguistic perspectives, and legal theory, each offering a unique angle on the challenges of migration.

Sara di Giovanni - Participant:

"The conference was organised in order to have a very broad overview of an extremely complex and interesting phenomenon. The various panels have therefore allowed us to deepen the theme of migrants with interventions related to subjects that normally, as unrelated to their own path of scholars, are not known. In my experience, in fact, I had not yet had the opportunity to deepen the important linguistic theme, nor would I have had the tools to do so except with impact conferences like this".

Professors D'Amico Maria Elisa and Siccardi Cecilia provided valuable insights into European constitutional law, emphasizing the need to balance refugees' human rights with the security concerns of European nations.

The linguistic panels examined how societal norms, cultural characteristics, and historical events shape the narrative of migration in different countries. Prof. Kim Grego highlighted the potential of corpus linguistics and data analysis in studying public perceptions of migration, inspiring attendees to explore innovative research methods.

Francesca Cappellini – Organizer and participant

"This conference represented an important starting point for the future of research in the fields that were dealt with. It helped create the starting point for future dialogue between academics involved in different fields of research, and the engaging presentations were able to ignite engaging and groundbreaking dialogue between the participants, in hopes of future collaborations fostering this multidisciplinary aspect of research"

The panels on legal theory delved into theoretical and systemic approaches to migration, discussing the intersection of law, sociology, and linguistics. Broader implications of migration were also discussed, including comparisons between Europe and South America and the impact of legal translation on EU citizens' freedom of movement.

Despite differing methodologies, common themes emerged during active discussions. Participants discussed the impact of migration on domestic populations, the tension between Western standards of human rights, as well as the limits of political power and public opinion regarding refugees' legal and cultural status. In the last panel, Pavel Ondřejek, from the Faculty of Law of Charles University, delivered a speech as the keynote speaker.

Radoslav Pavlinsky - Participant:

"The conference was from my perspective a huge success. Not only was the subject of migration approached from all possible angles due to the multidisciplinary character of the conference, the sheer quality of all of the contributions and presentations once again proved that young researchers and doctoral students have a lot to offer in ways of social sciences. The conference was meticulously organized and the friendly atmosphere allowed me to make many new contacts among those who attended the conference in person. The fact that attendants were from so many different countries with diverse cultures and opinions made the exchange of thoughts even more valuable. :"

Niccolo' Panigada - Participant:

"I want to express my utmost satisfaction with the recent conference. It was an enriching experience filled with insightful discussions and invaluable networking opportunities. The organizers did an exceptional job in curating a diverse and engaging program. I am grateful for the chance to be a part of such a well-executed event, and I look forward to future conferences with great anticipation".

In conclusion, this conference provided a valuable platform for young scholars to exchange perspectives and engage in academic discourse. The diversity of viewpoints enriched the conference, emphasizing the importance of intergenerational dialogue in academia.