The 4EU+ Summer School of Clinical Acid-Base and Homeostasis

The 4EU+ Summer School of Clinical Acid-Base and Homeostasis

From 13 to 16 September 2023, the city of Prague hosted the second edition of the 4EU+ Summer School of Clinical Acid-Base and Homeostasis, organized by the Third Faculty of Medicine at Charles University in the framework of the CU 4EU+ Academic mini-grant.

The 4EU+ Summer School featured a lineup of 13 speakers, representing 10 research institutions from European countries. Notable names like Luciano Gattinoni, Paul Elbers, Manu Malbrain, Pietro Caironi, Thomas Langer, and the course director František Duška, were among the presenters. These experts shared their knowledge with an audience of 53 participants, who ranged from medical students and residents to young specialists the attendees were driven by the desire to broaden their horizons in the realm of clinical acid-base and homeostasis.

The Summer School's curriculum was designed to offer a comprehensive learning experience. Participants had the chance to engage in frontal lectures, immerse themselves in case-based workshops, and take part in a rich social programme. This approach aimed to provide attendees with both theoretical knowledge and practical skills, enriching their educational journey.

In reflecting on the experience, František Duška, the course director, shared his impressions, stating,

"Reading candidates’ feedback was a truly delightful experience - it was brimming with gratitude and admiration. They felt enriched, inspired, and thoroughly thrilled. The most cherished aspects were the unique opportunity for direct interaction with esteemed experts and the immersive workshops, where real patient scenarios were tackled under vigilant supervision. The participants overwhelmingly lauded the lectures and appreciated the community spirit."

Comments extracted from evaluation forms underscored this atmosphere of unity and collaboration:

"Most experts were actively present, attentively listening to other experts’ lectures, displaying profound respect for one another."

"It is truly remarkable how kind and approachable these renowned figures are. They may occasionally have differing opinions, but they unfailingly functioned as a cohesive team."

The groundwork for the next iteration of the Summer School is already being laid, with Milan and Copenhagen being considered as potential venues.