4EU+ Summer School: Fungal Morphology

4EU+ Summer School: Fungal Morphology

The third edition of the 4EU+ Alliance Summer School 'From Fungal Morphology to Genotype' took place from 28 August to 3 September in Karłów in the Table Mountains National Park (Góry Stołowe in Polish).

The course was attended by 41 undergraduate and postgraduate students from Poland, the Czech Republic, Denmark and Germany. The courses, organised as part of the school, were taught by lecturers from the University of Warsaw, Charles University and the University of Copenhagen.

It was an excellent opportunity to introduce participants to the world of biodiversity data collection, sharing and processing. During the course, participants not only went on a number of field trips, but also learned how to use the GBIF and PlutoF portals, and had the opportunity to sequence selected molecular markers of fungi specimens, using the MinION technique in the Mobile laboratory of environmental genetics.

In total, more than 680 fungal specimens were identified during the week, including rare and protected species. The week together was a great opportunity to share experiences and make new friends in the mycological community.

We hope to see you soon at the next edition of the Summer School!