Introducing the ED-AFFICHE External Advisory Committee

Introducing the ED-AFFICHE External Advisory Committee

Selected in the European Commission's call to pilot a joint European Degree label, the ED-AFFICHE project embodies values of inclusion, transparency, and quality assurance. To assure the project's quality and the involvement of stakeholders in the widest spectrum, the project consortium has established an External Advisory Committee bringing together diverse voices, from student communities to employment agencies.

We are proud to introduce the distinguished members of the ED-AFFICHE External Advisory Committee:

  • Juan Rayon and Rita Dias, Erasmus Student Network (ESN)

  • Tanguy Guibert, European Students Union (ESU)

  • Daniel Wiśniewski, European Federation of Education Employers (EFEE)

  • Maria Kelo, European University Association (EUA)

The ED-AFFICHE project consortium brings together six European University Alliances, 4EU+, CHARM-EU, EC2U, EU-Conexus, Una Europa and UNITE!

Read more about the project