Visual Literacy 2.0: Understanding Images across Europe – Past and Present

Visual Literacy 2.0: Understanding Images across Europe – Past and Present

The first workshop of the second edition of the the 4EU+ Visual Literacy course took place in Milan in mid-January.

The first workshop took place in Milan in mid-January. The Milan team prepared a rich program for the students consisting of visits to important cultural institutions (Museo del Novecento, Castello Sforzesco Museum, Archivio fotografico; Galleria d'Arte Moderna di Milano) and guided tours of current exhibitions and permanent exhibitions. The next workshop will take place at the end of March in Prague, and the final meeting with be organized together with a student conference in June in Warsaw.

"I see the great supply of deeply specialized information in an environment that allows you to focus on the given topic as the main advantage of this 4EU+ course. Another important aspect of this learning experience is communication in English. Thanks to the chosen topics and rich discussions, we are able not only to enrich our specialized vocabulary but also to broaden our social horizons. New international contacts that naturally arise during such an occasion are also of great value for my personal development," says Magdalena Machalická, a student from the Department of Art Education at Charles University.