Media and Migration course art work

Media and Migration course art work

As part of their final assignment, the students of the Media and Migration course had the possibility to create an artwork based on the theories, projects, studies and ideas we discussed during this course. Have a look at some of the students' projects!

Media and Migration course art work

The Media and Migration course was one of the shared courses offered to 4EU+ students by Charles University, Faculty of Social Sciences.

Throughout this course, the students explored the role of media in the complex process of migration. They talked about digital place-making, the role of smartphones and social media in keeping up family relations across borders, but also about the issues of surveillance and datafication.

As part of their final assignment, some of the students created an artwork based on the theories, projects, studies and ideas we discussed during this course.

"For the final project, the students had the possibility of either writing an essay or creating an artwork in relation to the ideas and topics we discussed during the semester. I created this Padlet in order to showcase the work of those students who agreed to make it public. I'm very happy that this course was offered to students within the 4EU+ alliance, as I think both students and I had the great opportunity to engage with others across Europe to explore the many facets of migration and media," says Dr Annamária Neag, guarantor of the course.