GerCoLiNet workshop day for young researchers

GerCoLiNet workshop day for young researchers

Chosen at the second call for proposals of 4EU+ educational projects, the GerCoLiNet project saw its members, professors, students and PhD candidates come together in person for one last time during a workshop day at Charles University in Prague, on 27 July 2022.

GerCoLiNet workshop day for young researchers

Chosen at the second call for proposals of 4EU+ educational projects, the GerCoLiNet project saw its members, professors, students and PhD candidates come together in person for one last time during a workshop day at Charles University in Prague, on June 27th 2022.

The workshop was opened by the Dean of the Faculty of Humanities, Prof. Eva Lehečková, PhD. It was dedicated to the outcomes of the training program that was provided during the project. The 20 participants, from Master’s and PhD levels and from the universities of Copenhagen, Milan, Paris, Prague and Warsaw, presented the results of various analyses pertaining to the field of modern German linguistics and/or contrastive linguistics, based on digital, monolingual and multilingual comparative and parallel corpuses (i.e.: InterCorp, DeReKo, and Sketch Engine). Organized into four thematic blocks (syntaxis, lexic, flexional morphology, and discursive linguistics), the GerCoLiNet workshop for young researchers was composed of seven presentations of 45 minutes, conducted in German, followed by a discussion with the members of the pedagogical team.

This meeting in Prague was the last phase of the GerCoLiNet project, the first phase coinciding with an online workshop held on June 8th, 2021 (“Introduction to corpus linguistics”). Throughout these 12 months of comprehensive cooperation, regular exchanges and online accompaniment of students took place, in the format of online “coaching”, which allowed the GerCoLiNet network to create strong links within the 4EU+ Alliance, both scientific and relational, at the level of project partners, as well as among students and PhD candidates.

The publication of at least four scientific articles from GerCoLiNet has already been planned for Spring 2023, in the Beiträge zur allgemeinen und vergleichenden Sprachwissenschaft (Contributions to General and Comparative Linguistics) journal.

Project Website:
