GerCoLInet Winter School in Warsaw

GerCoLInet Winter School in Warsaw

In January 2022, the European Network of German and Contrastive Linguistics, (GerCoLiNet), organized a winter school at the University of Warsaw entitled “Lexicology and Lexicography in Practice in European Comparison: Theory and Empiricism in German and Comparative Languages”.

The project team was among the winners of the second call for educational 4EU+ projects. The winter school is the third step of the project GerCoLiNet : it took part in the continuity of a first multilingual online workshop in June 2021 (‘Introduction to the corpus’ linguistic’) and a summer school dedicated to ‘what big Europeans monolinguals and multilinguals corpuses bring’ for the linguistics analyzes, which took place at the literature faculty of the Sorbonne University from 8 to 10 July 2021.

The Winter School in Warsaw gathered the project partners including the students (master’s degree and PhD level) from UCPH, SU, CU and UW; because of the sanitary crisis, members of the University of Milan took part in this third part fully online. During the eight congresses-seminaries offered by the university lecturers and researchers, the 23 committed students were given a formation in compliance with both Academics and Scientifics goals of GerCoLinet, more specifically about problematics and methods linked with the winter school’s theme. These students also had the opportunity to expose the results of a common linguistic study led during autumn 2021 as an inter-university teams’ workshop (eight in total) in a total spirit of European University! This experience was an innovation for 4EU+ Alliance. Indeed, the different presentations that were in German delt with the nominative, verbal, and discursive disciplines, which each lasted 30 minutes, followed by 10 to 15 minutes of successful exchanges. They focused on themes linked with the Paris summer school training in July 2021, which allowed attendees to consolidate their skills about deeper research on the corpus of great electronics. This synergy between GerCoLiNet students’ attendees is meant to concretize itself in the next few months in order to pre-organize the 4th and last step of the project: a study day of the students of  GerCoLiNet researchers divided by two or three. This is going to take place on 27 June 2022 at Charles University, in Prague.  

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