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Testovací kalendář

‹  Leden 2024  ›


21. května 2024 – 20. června 2024

Survival Czech 3

This course builds on and extends the areas covered in Survival Czech: Language Course for Total Beginners and Survival Czech 2.

The course targets communication situations students need to deal with in everyday life. It also covers introducing essential grammatical concepts and vocabulary relating to language functions. Topics are particularly making plans (using modal verbs and the future tense), describing the human body and talking to the doctor, talking about the place we live in and using public transportation etc. Students also gain more sociocultural competence to deal with everyday life in the Czech Republic.

23. května 2024

Reflective Teams

The method proposed in this workshop has been developed and piloted as part of the ‘Intercultural Reflection on Teaching’ (IntRef) project funded by Erasmus+. The “Reflecting Team” is an activity which will enable the participant to share and discuss teaching with colleagues from other disciplines and faculties, and applies models of collegial co-supervision. Academic teachers provide problems encountered during teaching which are discussed by a group of peers facilitated by a moderator.

More information can be found here.

29. května 2024 – 5. června 2024

Natoč a propaguj svůj výzkum

Chcete efektivněji propagovat svůj výzkum? Připojte se k našemu workshopu, ve kterém vám ukážeme, jak vytvářet atraktivní videa, která osloví vaši cílovou skupinu. Získáte praktické rady a tipy od úspěšného YouTubera Tomáše Touhy..

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