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Testovací kalendář

Reflective Teams

The workshop is articulated in the following different phases:

Phase 1: Case Presentation

Each participant will prepare a teaching-related problem they have encountered. Through concise descriptions, participants will articulate their challenges, seeking constructive feedback from their peers using a specific template provided by the facilitator.

Phase 2: Case Selection

Following the presentations, participants will engage in a voting process to select two cases for in-depth discussion.

Phase 3: Discussion of Selected Cases

In this phase, participants will delve into reflective discussions and problem-solving activities centered around the two selected cases. The participant whose case is being discussed will act as a listener, actively absorbing the feedback and insights provided by the group.

Phase 4: Feedback from Case Presenter

After the discussion of their case, the participant who wrote the case will rejoin the group and provide feedback on the discussion.

Phase 5: Collective Learning and Contribution

Throughout the workshop, participants will actively contribute to the collective learning environment by engaging in reflective discussions and providing constructive feedback to their peers. By actively participating in the workshop activities, participants will not only enhance their own teaching practices but also contribute to the overall growth and development of the group.

Začátek akce 23. května 2024 v 14:00
Konec akce 23. května 2024 v 16:30
Organizátor Rektorát
Email na organizátora bartlomiej.wroblewski@ruk.cuni.cz
Program https://vzdelavani.is.cuni.cz/simplifyworks/eoc/programs/1400733141
Místo konání akce MSTeams
Cílová skupina Studenti PhD. programů
Jazyk výuky angličtina
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