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Výsledky projektu Písek v soustrojí či soustrojí v písku?: Tobinova daň a tržní iracionalita, volatilita a likvidita


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(Celkem 5 zázn.)
Lichard, Tomáš, Presentation at "International Conference on Global Economy, Policy Challenges and Market Responses", University of London, London, UK, 09/2012. Paper title: "Sand in the Wheels or the Wheels in Sand?: Tobin-Like Taxes and Market Irrationality, Volatility and Liquidity". [Jiný výsledek]
Lavička, Hynek; Lichard, Tomáš; Novotný, Jan, "Sand in the Wheels or the Wheels in Sand? Tobin Taxes and Market Crashes." CERGE-EI Discussion Paper No. 220 [Jiný výsledek]
Lavička, Hynek; Lichard, Tomáš; Novotný, Jan, "Sand in the Wheels or the Wheels in Sand? Tobin Taxes and Market Crashes," submitted to Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization (5-year IF of 1.439) [Jiný výsledek]
Novotný, Jan, Presentation at The Econometric Society Australasian Meeting, Melbourne, Australia, 07/2012. Title of the paper: „The Identification of Price Jumps: Stock Market Indices During the Crisis“. [Jiný výsledek]
Lichard, Tomáš, Presentation at the research seminar, Centre for Econometric Analysis, Cass Business School, City University London, 01/2013. Title of the paper: "Sand in the Wheels or the Wheels in Sand?: Tobin-Like Taxes and Market Irrationality, Volatility and Liquidity." [Jiný výsledek]
Poslední změna: 31. květen 2022 14:50 
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