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Výsledky projektu Bentická autotrofní společenstva jezer na ostrově Jamese Rosse (Antarktida): charakteristika a klíčové faktory ovlivňující jejich složení


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(Celkem 28 zázn.)
Van de Vijver B. & Kopalová, K. . Four Achnanthidium species (Bacillariophyta) formerly identified as Achnanthes minutissima from the Antarctic Region.. European Journal of Taxonomy, 2014, sv. 79, s. 1–19. ISSN 2118-9773. [Článek v časopise]
Abstract. Four taxa belonging to the complex of species around Achnanthidium minutissimum were
found during the ongoing taxonomic revision of the Antarctic freshwater and limno-terrestrial diatom
flora. Two taxa were previously described as Achnanthidium lailae and A. sieminskae. Two others were
formerly identified as A. minutissimum but detailed light and scanning electron microscopical observations
revealed sufficient morphological differences compared to the type of A. minutissimum, to justify their
separation and description as new taxa: Achnanthidium indistinctum and A. maritimo-antarcticum. The
morphology and ecology of all four taxa are discussed comparing the species with morphologically
similar taxa. The biogeographical consequences of the splitting of the former A. minutissimum complex
in the Antarctic Region are discussed.
Hamilton P., De Haan M., Kopalová K., Zidarova R. & Van de Vijver B. . An evaluation of selected Neidium species from the Antarctic Region.. Diatom Research, 2014, sv. 29(1), s. 27–40. ISSN 0269-249X. [Článek v časopise]
The presentation of three distinct Neidium taxa from the sub-Antarctic and Maritime Antarctic region after examining more than 1500 samples from a broad variety of aquatic and terrestrial (micro-)habitats suggests that taxa representing the genus Neidium Pfitzer are not only quite rare in these regions, but that the three species also represent well-defined biogeographical distributions. N. nyvltii sp. nov., N. antarcticum sp. nov. and N. aubertii Manguin are characterized by linear to linear-lanceolate valves with rostrate to capitate apices, a single prominent longitudinal canal along the valve margins and lacinia covering the distal raphe endings. Neidium nyvltii is a benthic alkalophile growing in the Maritime Antarctic region under high total phosphorus (TP) and moderately high chloride concentrations, while the closest taxa for comparison (N. kozlowii Mereschkowsky and its varieties) are also alkalophilic, growing under lower TP concentrations in northern temperate-Arctic regions. Neidium aubertii is an acidophile with a sub-Antarctic distribution, whereas the most comparable taxa are N. bisulcatum (Lagestedt) Cleve, and N. bergii (A. Cleve-Euler) Krammer & Lange-Bertalot both are alkalophiles with northern hemisphere distribution and commonly occurring in the Arctic. There is some evidence of parallel similarities in valve forms between the polar northern and southern hemispheres. The significance of this parallelism is yet to be determined.
Van de Vijver B., Wetzel C., Kopalová K., Zidarova R. & Ector L. . Analysis of the type material of Achnanthidium lanceolatum Brébisson ex Kützing (Bacillariophyta) with the description of two new Planothidium species from the Antarctic Region . Fottea, 2013, sv. 13(2), s. 105–117. ISSN 1802-5439. [Článek v časopise]
The type material of Achnanthidium lanceolatum (transferred in 1999 to the genus Planothidium) is investigated to reveal the identity of several Planothidium populations from the Antarctic Region. The morphology and the ultrastructure was analysed using light and scanning electron microscopy. The results of this analysis revealed the presence of two so far undescribed Planothidium species in the investigated Antarctic material. Both species are described as new to science: P rost-rolanceolatum VAN DE VIJVER, KOPALOVA et ZIDAROVA Sp. nov. and P subantarcticum VAN DE VIJVER et C.E.WETZEL sp. nov. The new species can be differentiated based on differences in valve outline and the shape and size of the central area. Planothidium lanceolatum is formally lectotypified. Notes on the ecology and distribution of the new Antarctic species are added.
Kopalová K., Nedbalová L., Nývlt D., Elster J. & Van de Vijver B. . ) Diversity, ecology and biogeography of the freshwater diatom communities from Ulu Peninsula (James Ross Island, NE Antarctic Peninsula). Polar Biology, 2013, sv. 36(7), s. 933–948. ISSN 0722-4060. [Článek v časopise]
The diversity, ecology and biogeography of diatoms in lakes, seepage areas and streams on the Ulu Peninsula, a large ice-free area in the northern part of James Ross Island (Weddell Sea), were studied. A diverse diatom flora of 123 taxa was observed, dominated by several Nitzschia taxa, Psammothidium papilio, Eolimna jamesrossensis, Fragilaria capucina and Fistulifera saprophila. The results from the similarity and diversity analysis suggest James Ross Island to be biogeographically positioned within the Maritime Antarctic region, yet with some affinities with the flora of Continental Antarctica, as shown by the presence of Luticola gaussii and Achnanthes taylorensis. Based on our data, James Ross Island can thus be located close to the boundary of the two main Antarctic biogeographical regions. Diatom communities present in streams and seepage areas could be clearly distinguished from those in lakes, the latter being much more species rich. Based on the multivariate analysis, conductivity and nutrients were selected as the two main environmental factors determining the diatom composition in the Ulu Peninsula lakes. The revised taxonomy of the Antarctic diatom flora induced the construction of a transfer function for water conductivity in the studied lakes that can be applied in further palaeoecological studies.
Kopalová K., Van de Vijver B.. Structure and ecology of freshwater benthic diatom communities from Byers Peninsula (Livingston Island, South Shetland Island). . Antarctic Science , 2013, sv. 25(2), s. 239–253. ISSN 0954-1020. [Článek v časopise]
Diatom and water chemistry samples were collected from 49 lakes, pools and rivers on Byers Peninsula (Livingston Island, South Shetland Islands) during the summer of 2009. A diverse diatom flora of 143 taxa was found. Fragilaria capucina s.l., Psammothidium papilio, Navicula dobrinatemniskovae and several Nitzschia taxa dominated the flora. The biogeographical analysis showed that more than 55% of all observed taxa presented a restricted Antarctic biogeographic distribution and only 30% had a cosmopolitan distribution, contrary to previously published data. Cluster analysis and Principal Components Analysis were used to classify the samples based on their chemical characteristics, revealing that nutrients and specific conductance were the main factors dividing the samples into four groups: young lakes, coastal lakes, larger lakes on the central plateau and smaller, temporary pools. Diatom communities corresponded well to this division and were strongly influenced by salinity and nutrients.
Van de Vijver B.,Kopalová K., Zidarova R. & Cox E. J. . New and interesting small-celled naviculoid taxa from the Maritime Antarctic Region.. Nova Hedwigia, 2013, sv. 97(1-2), s. 189–208. ISSN 0029-5035. [Článek v časopise]
Four new small-celled naviculoid diatom species belonging to the genera Adlafia, Chamaepinnularia, Mayamaea, and Microcostatus were found during a survey of the non-marine diatom flora of the South Shetland Islands and James Ross Island (Maritime Antarctic Region). Following both light and scanning electron microscopy, the following species were described as new: Adlafia submuscora sp. nov., Mayamaea josefelsteri Kopalova, Nedbalova & Van de Vijver sp. nov., Microcostatus australoshetlandicus sp. nov. and Chamaepinnularia antarctica sp. nov. The new species are compared to other morphologically similar species from Europe, South America and the (sub-)Antarctic region. Data on their ecology and biogeography are included. In addition, the morphology, biogeography and taxonomic position of two other small-celled naviculoid diatoms, Craticula glaberrima (W. & G.S.West) nov. comb. and Sellaphora nana (Hustedt) Lange-Bertalot et al. are discussed.
KOPALOVÁ, K., NEDBALOVÁ, L., DE HAAN, M. & DE VIJVER, B.V.. Description of five new species of the diatom genus Luticola (Bacillariophyta, Diadesmidaceae) found in lakes of James Ross Island (Maritime Antarctic Region). Phytotaxa, 2011, sv. 27, s. 44–60. ISSN 1179-3155. [Článek v časopise]
Časopis zařazen do databáze WOS, ale IF zatím nebyl přidělen.
Kateřina Kopalová, Bolzanova cena udělená rektorem UK za nejlepší disertační práci v kategorii přírodních věd (12/2013) [Jiný výsledek]
Kateřina Kopalová, Cena děkana udělená PřF UK za nejlepší dizertačí práci (11/2013) [Jiný výsledek]
Kateřina Kopalová, Ph.D. Thesis (2013):'Taxonomy, ecology and biogeography of aquatic and limno-terrestrial diatoms in the Maritime Antartic Region' [Jiný výsledek]
Kateřina Kopalová, Invited speaker: University of Colorado and INSTAAR (November 2013, Boulder, Colorado, USA) / oral presentation Prezentace na konferencích: 32 ième ADLaF (September 2013,Thonon-les-Bains, France) / 4 posters NVKD workshop + meeting (May 2013, Nijmegen, Netherlands) 7th CED Meeting (September 2013, Thonon-les-Bains, France) / oral presentation 22nd NADS Symposium (August 2013, Bar Harbor, Maine, USA) / oral presentation + 2 posters [Jiný výsledek]
Zidarova, R., Kopalová, K., Levkov, Z. & Van de Vijver, B., Two unknown Luticola taxa from the Maritime Antarctic region Poster presented at the 22nd International Diatom Symposium (IDS), Gent (Belgium), 26–31/8/2012 [Jiný výsledek]
Zidarova, R., Kopalová, K. & Van de Vijver, B., The genus Stauroneis on the Antarctic Livingston and James Ross Island. Poster presented at the 22nd International Diatom Symposium (IDS), Gent (Belgium), 26–31/8/2012 [Jiný výsledek]
Kopalová, K., Zidarova, R., Lowe, R. & Van de Vijver, B., The genus Diadesmis in the Antarctic Region. Poster presented at the 6th Central European Diatom Meeting, Innsbruck (Germany), 22–25/3/2012 [Jiný výsledek]
Kopalová, K., Veselá, J., Elster, J., Nedbalová, L. de Haan, M., Komárek, J. &Van de Vijver, B. (2012), The freshwater diatom flora from Ulu Peninsula (James Ross Island, NW Weddell Sea, Antarctica). Oral presentation at the NVKD meeting, Groningen (Holand), 30/5–1/6/2012 [Jiný výsledek]
Van de Vijver, B., Cocquyt, C., De Haan, M., Kopalová, K. & Zidarova, R., The genus Surirella (Bacillariophyta) in the sub antarctic and Maritime antarctic region. Diatom Research (in press DOI:10.1080/0269249X.2012.739975) [Jiný výsledek]
Kopalová, K., Nedbalová, L., Nývlt, D., Elster, J. & Van de Vijver, B., Freshwater diatom communities from Ulu Peninsula (James Ross Island, NW Weddell Sea) with the construction of a diatom based conductivity transfer function. Polar Biology (submitted) [Jiný výsledek]
Van de Vijver, B. Kopalová, K., Zidarova, R. & Cox, E. J., New and interesting small-celled naviculoid taxa from the Maritime Antarctic Region. Nova Hedwigia (accepted) [Jiný výsledek]
Kopalová, K., Nedbalová, L., Zidarova, R. & Van de Vijver, B., Diversité et biogéographie des diatomées limno-terrestres sur les îles James Ross et Livingston (Antarctique). Poster presented at the ADLaF meeting, Le Mans (France) 11–13/9/2012 [Jiný výsledek]
Kopalová, K., Elster, J., Nedbalová, L., Zidarova, R. & Van de Vijver, B., Diversity and biogeography of freshwater diatoms from two contrasting Antarctic localities . Oral presentation at Polar Ecology Conference, České Budějovice (Czech Republic), 30/9– 4/10/2012 [Jiný výsledek]
HAMILTON, K., DE HAAN, M., KOPALOVÁ, K., ZIDAROVA, R. & VAN DE VIJVER, B., An evaluation of selected Neidium species from the Antarctic Region. Diatom Research (subm) [Jiný výsledek]
Kopalová, K., Zidarova, R, Cox E. J. & Van de Vijver B., Four new small-celled naviculoid taxa from the Maritime Antarctic Region. Poster presented at the 22nd International Diatom Symposium (IDS), Gent (Belgium), 26–31/8/2012 and at ADLaF meeting, Le Mains (France) 11–13/9/ 2012 and at the Poster presented at Polar Ecology Conference, České Budějovice (Czech Republic), 30/9–4/10/2012 [Jiný výsledek]
Kopalová, K., Elster J., Nedbalová L., Zidarova R. & Van de Vijver B., The freshwater diatom flora from two contrasting Antarctic localities Poster presented at the 22nd International Diatom Symposium (IDS), Gent (Belgium), 26–31/8/2012 [Jiný výsledek]
ELSTER, J., NEDBALOVÁ, L., KOMÁREK, J., MEDOVÁ, H., VRBA, J., KOPALOVÁ, K., VAN DE VIJVER, B., Freshwater lakes of Ulu Peninsula (James Ross Island, NE Antarctic Peninsula): II. Planktic and benthic assemblages. Přednáška na konferenci Polar and Alpine Microbiology (PAM 4), 4.–8. September 2011, Ljubljana, Slovenia, p. 43. [Jiný výsledek]
KOPALOVÁ, K., NEDBALOVÁ, L., DE HAAN, M., VAN DE VIJVER, B., Five new Luticola species from Ulu Peninsula (James Ross Island, NW Weddell Sea, Antarctica. Poster prezentovaný na konferenci 21st North American Diatom Symposium (NADS), Polson (Montana,USA), 14-18.9. 2011 [Jiný výsledek]
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