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Výsledky projektu Problémy územního rozvoje bývalých a současných vojensky využívaných oblastí


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(Celkem 6 zázn.)
Seidl, Tomáš; Chromý, Pavel. Environmental conservation in military training areas-source of spatial conflicts?. EUROPA XXI, 2010, sv. 21, s. 103–115. ISSN 1429-7132. [Článek v časopise]
The aim of the paper is to provide the overview of the spatial development
conflicts linked with the existence of Military training areas (MTA) in
the regional system. Only several places in the Central European space can be
called new wilderness. Above all these are the MTA. The environmental history
of these spaces went through a deep reversion. Changes in their cultural,
political as well as social-economic profile can be compared with the specific belt of the former Iron Curtain zones only. Last two decades were essential for the physical existence of the MTAs. Because of the weak local political power, social capital and wide public support, are most of the converted MTAs in a deep conceptual crisis. The presented study finds solutions based on a long lasting research.
Seidl, Tomáš; Chromý Pavel. Example of military lands conversion practise in selected European countries – inspiration for the Czech milieu. (připraven pro recenzní řízení), 1111, sv. xxx, s. 1–1. ISSN 1111-1111. [Článek v časopise]
Military grounds represent a specific spatial unit in the regional system as well as in the physical and strategic planning concepts. Any change of their main function apparently influences the surroundings. And any change is due to the historical/political circumstances fundamental according to the position in the geographical system. The paper aims to simulate an eventuality of development pressure increase and conversion procedure modelling. The interest areas are represented by the large scale military training areas (MTA). The scale limit was deduced on the basis of working classification. The methodological background of the research distinguishes among the urban military spaces, small scale military ranges and MTAs. The minimum area of the analysed territories covers at least 100 km2. The principal merit of such territories is the vacant room. However the most of existing or decommitted MTA were established in the peripheral or rather marginal locations, the majority of them represent spatial potential for more or less convenient development purpose. On the other hand last 20 years of transformation and professionalization processes in the armed forces led to the questions of spatial needs of the defence sectors. The first wave of conversion passed through in the ninetieths. The most of the realised conversions in the Eastern Europe is related with the quick non conceptual transition period. We think that the conversion process is passing through its second wave and there is still lack of best practices to be used in specific brake out cases. We deal with the selected cases from limited count of European countries (Norway, Sweden, Czechia, Slovakia) and experiences from selected milieu of one Western and Eastern European country (United Kingdom and Estonia). The research gives advice for the decision-making sector and broadens the geographical input into the issue.
SEIDL, T., CHROMÝ, P.. Problémy integrace marginálního území do regionálního systému – příklad vojenského újezdu Boletice. Geografie, 2010, sv. 115/1, s. 44–63. ISSN 1212-0014. [Článek v časopise]
The study should further discussion concerning the
problems of military areas, as a type of periphery with strong natural potential. The primary goal is to analyze the impacts of recently presented concepts for utilising the Boletice
Military Area, with regard to the Natura 2000 network and sites. The study defines the region’s degree of marginality by using statistical methods and an aggregate index. A central
part of the study contains an analysis of a field survey of the behaviour and expectations of
local and regional stakeholders, as well as the results of observations from a higher hierarchical level. All findings are then used to develop a broad-based conception of sustainable
tourism and regional development for such a unique area.
Seidl, T., Chromý, P., Habartová, P.. Perceptions of Marginality: The Role of Administration and Other Stakeholders in Issues of Future Development of Czech Military Training Areas . ACTA UNIVERSITATIS CAROLINAE, 2010, sv. 2010/2, s. 89–100. ISSN 0300-5402. [Článek v časopise]
Serious problems are becoming evident after 20 years of liberalization concerning the development of Czech military training areas (MTAs) and, in particular in their neighbouring zones. An important task is to devise procedures that emphasize essential conditions for the successful spatial and social integration of these marginal areas in the Czech regional system. The contemporary research presented is based on primary research of an area of special interest in the context of a situation analysis and specification of the role of local inhabitants of the military training area regarding issues of its functional use. The presented article analyzes the regional development intentions of the different hierarchical levels of board/administration (municipal, micro-regional, regional and departmental/governmental), concerning the role of an MTA in the regional system – in the case of MTA Boletice, this study’s area of interest. The qualitative research presented is based on the analysis,
interpretation and evaluation of primary data, procured through structured interviews and questionnaires carried out with representatives of local administration at various hierarchical levels. The attitudes of the primary stakeholders interested in the decommitment/conversion of MTAs are mainly concerned with investment benefits and project development locations rather than environmental protection legislation.
Pechal, Jindřich, Diplomová práce: (2011) Integrace marginálního území do regionálního systému - příklad VÚ Brdy Vedoucí DP: RNDr. Pavel Chromý, Ph.D. [Jiný výsledek]
Hájek, F., HÁJEK, F. (2010): Marginální oblasti v Česku: příklad vojenských újezdů. Bakalářská práce. UK v Praze, PřF, KSGRR, Praha, 74 s. + přílohy. [Jiný výsledek]
Poslední změna: 31. květen 2022 14:50 
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