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test projekty gauk

Výsledky projektu Delegace a bankovní konkurence


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(Celkem 1 zázn.)
Senyuta, Olena, Delegation and Performance, March 10, 2011, Chapter of the PhD Dissertation, Abstract, This paper studies the relation between the level of authority delegation in organization and performance. Authority delegation is considered with an example of banking sector. In simple OLS regressions more authority delegated has positive effect on quantitative measures of performance, however, it decreases the quality of taken decisions. As we have controlled for the endogeneity of authority delegation, these effects became insignificant. This result is consistent with optimal authority delegation behavior of the bank, as a response to changes in local market conditions. [Jiný výsledek]
Poslední změna: 31. květen 2022 14:50 
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