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test projekty gauk

Výsledky projektu Zkoumání efektu vázání produktů na cenovou konkurenci na vertikálně diferencovaném trhu systémového zboží


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(Celkem 2 zázn.)
Burlakov, Georgi, "The welfare effect of product tying on price competition in a vertically differentiated market for system goods", final draft not available yet. The paper considers the famous U.S. and EU vs. Microsoft anti-trust cases in a new theoretical context. The preliminary results show that in case that the market is assumed to be vertically differentiated, the decision of Microsoft to tie its application software to the system one would be a strategic response to an entry threat in the system software market segment rather than a predatory move in the application software segment for which Microsoft was indicted. The results from the social welfare analysis of this case, however, are still not ready. [Jiný výsledek]
Burlakov, Georgi, "Price Competition in a Vertically Differentiated Market for System Goods", revised draft of the paper for resubmission to the CERGE-EI Working Paper Series. The paper is concerned with analysis of price competition in industries like mobile telecommunications or PC software production, where goods consist of several complementary products of distinct brands which differ in quality. In particular, the main purpose is to show that under certain condition defined on quality differences between goods there will be an equilibrium outcome which differs from the one which is typical for the standard markets of single-branded goods. [Jiný výsledek]
Poslední změna: 31. květen 2022 14:50 
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