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test projekty gauk

Výsledky projektu Měnové kurzy a rychlost ekonomického oživení


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(Celkem 6 zázn.)
Fisera, Boris, 3. Third paper “Determinants of the Duration of Economic Recoveries: The Role of 'Too Much Finance'” was initiated in 2022. The paper, which is co-authored by Vitor Castro (Loughborough University), has been published as IES Working Paper (33/2022). The IES Working Paper version is in the attachment. The paper had been submitted to Journal of International Economics and to the Journal of the European Economic Association. After a rejection in these journals, the paper has been submitted to the International Journal of Finance and Economics (IJFE) (IF: 1.634), where it is under review. IJFE is a field journal, which publishes research on issues in international finance. The confirmation of submission to the IJFE can be found attached (IJFE_Submission.pdf). [Jiný výsledek]
Fisera, Boris, Awards: The research papers were awarded three separate awards at conferences at which the research had been presented. The first paper, “Exchange Rates and the Speed of Economic Recovery: The Role of Financial Development”, was awarded the “Best Paper of the Conference ECOS 2022 Award in Junior Category”, as well as Slovak Economic Association’s "Award for Young Economists" - an award for the best paper authored by a young researcher. The second paper, “Distributional Effects of Exchange Rate Depreciations: Beggar-Thy-Neighbour or Beggar-Thyself?”, was awarded the “Best Paper of the Conference ECOS 2023 Award in Junior Category”. The copies of the awards are available in the attachment. [Jiný výsledek]
Fisera, Boris, 1. First paper “Exchange Rates and the Speed of Economic Recovery: The Role of Financial Development”, which was finalized at the beginning of the year 2022 and published as IES Working Paper (18/2022). The IES Working Paper (WP) version can be found attached. Subsequently, the paper was submitted to Journal of Macroeconomics (IF: 1.556) and after a rejection there, the paper was submitted to Economic Systems (IF: 2.31). The paper is currently under revision in Economic Systems. The attachment also contains confirmation of submission to Journal of Macroeconomics (Journal_of_Macroeconomics_Submisssion.pdf), as well as the decision on granting the revision in Economic Systems (Economic_Systems_Revision.pdf). [Jiný výsledek]
Fisera, Boris, 2. Second paper “Distributional Effects of Exchange Rate Depreciations: Beggar-Thy-Neighbour or Beggar-Thyself?”, which was finalized throughout 2022. The manuscript of the paper can be found in the attachment. To ensure that the results of the research are shared with the wider scientific community, the preprint of the paper has been uploaded to the Social Science Research Network (SSRN). The paper has been submitted to the Open Economies Review (IF: 1.465) – a field journal that focuses on publishing contributions on international economic issues. The confirmation of submission to the Open Economies Review can be found attached (Open_Economies_Review_Submission.pdf). [Jiný výsledek]
Fisera, Boris, Databases: Two new datasets were constructed. Both datasets were made publicly available (on the website of the principal researcher, with acknowledgement to GAUK’s financial support: https://sites.google.com/view/borisfisera/home/research) so that they can be used by other researchers. The first dataset contains data on the identified episodes of economic recoveries from output gap recessions. The second dataset contains data on exogenous exchange rate shocks, which were identified by the research team by estimating a SVAR model with sign restrictions. Due to data limitations, these shocks were only identified for 21 countries and thus, the data is used only in a robustness check in this research. However, the data can be used by other researchers. [Jiný výsledek]
Fisera, Boris, The manuscript of the first draft of the first paper "Exchange Rates and the Speed of Economic Recovery: The Role of Financial Development". This draft of the paper was prepared over the year 2021 and it will be presented at a few international conferences in 2022. Afterwards, the draft of the paper will be finalized and submitted to a field journal. [Jiný výsledek]
Poslední změna: 31. květen 2022 14:50 
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