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Výsledky projektu Jak osvobodit slova: Adornova filosofie jazyka


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(Celkem 7 zázn.)
Dyčková, Alžběta. Liberation of Language and Suspension of Subject in T.W. Adorno's Notes to Literature. Humanities Bulletin, 2022, sv. 5, s. 26–39. ISSN 2517-4266. [Článek v časopise]
This article aims to explore the connection between freedom and language in T.W. Adorno's Notes to Literature, presenting freedom as a liberation of our way of thinking that has the potential to arrive at an unrestrained interpretation of art and representation of the intellectual experience. I also attempt to show some of Adorno's insights into language and freedom in The Essay as a Form and their role in his essays about Valéry and Proust. Namely I focus on the problematics of the suspension of the subject of the artist within the production of the work of art. Through showing the connection between Adorno's insights into problematics of language, freedom and suspension of subject I hope to contribute to the explication of one of the constructive steps of Adorno's philosophy.
Dyčková, Alžběta; Kettner, Marek, Czech translation of T.W. Adorno's Notes to Literature - manuscript + confirmation of Karolinum that it will be published [Jiný výsledek]
Kettner, Marek, This paper is currently under peer review in the Berlin Journal of Critical Theory Abstract: The study focuses in detail on Adorno’s punctuation as one of the key components of his philosophic style and an integral element of his negative dialectics. By providing a complex analysis of the peculiar way Adorno handles punctuation marks, the study should help the reader to achieve a richer and more precise understanding of Adorno’s texts. Punctuation marks will be presented not only as means of underscoring the acoustic aspect of the text and rendering it musical but also as objects that can react to current historical processes and help to meaningfully transform them as well. [Jiný výsledek]
Kettner, Marek, Manuskript překladu eseje "Interpunkční znaménka" ("Satzzeichen") [Jiný výsledek]
Kettner, Marek, Manuskript překladu eseje "O lyrice a společnosti" (Rede über Lyrik und Gesellschaft) [Jiný výsledek]
Dyčková, Alžběta, Manuskript překladu eseje "Umělec jako zástupce" (Der Artist als Statthalter). [Jiný výsledek]
Kettner, Marek, Manuskript překladu eseje "Benjamin dopisovatel" (Benjamin, der Briefschreiber) [Jiný výsledek]
Poslední změna: 31. květen 2022 14:50 
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