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test projekty gauk

Výsledky projektu Reshoring: důsledek automatizace ve zpracovatelském průmyslu?


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(Celkem 1 zázn.)
Martonosi, Ádám, The aimed outcome of the project was a publication in the CERGE-EI Working Paper series and an article in a well-established journal later on. Due to Covid situation purchase of the required IFR dataset was slower than expected, for that reason the research progress was still in an earlier stage than formerly expected. In the meanwhile the principal researcher's family conditions changed, which required that the principal researcher returned to the primary labor market. Due to the Covid pandemic, work and family duties, and despite the principal researcher's best efforts he could not go on with his research. This eventually lead to the termination of his studies by November 8, 2021. As a consequence, no results or preliminary results are provided. [Jiný výsledek]
Poslední změna: 31. květen 2022 14:50 
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