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Výsledky projektu Současný nizozemskojazyčný román po postmodernismu: oscilace a emancipace


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(Celkem 6 zázn.)
Anna Krýsová. Esthetische verschuivingen in contemporaine literatuur en hun methodologische principes. Neerlandica Wratislaviensia, 2020, sv. 30 (2020), s. 77–87. ISSN 0860-0716. [Článek v časopise]
Krýsová, Anna. Esthetische verschuivingen in contemporaine literatuur en hun methodologische principes. Neerlandica Wratislaviensia, 2021, sv. XXX, s. 77–88. ISSN 0860-0716. [Článek v časopise]
Anna Krýsová, Case study 1. In my first case study I have analysed the novel Klont (2017) by Maxim Februari. This first attempt at analysis according to the affective dominant has produced an ideologically critical reading of the affective and political crises caused (among other things) by the current neoliberal phase of capitalism. This is a committed analysis of one of the problems that our society faces: misuse of data and the use of artificial intelligence. A focus on affect in characters shows that the novel emphasizes the value of individual's moral responsibility in the face of overwhelming challenges and threats. At the same time clearly shows that individuals can be powerless against some threats and represents the affective consequences of that. [Jiný výsledek]
Anna Krýsová, Introduction. This is an introduction to my dissertation in which I outline the problems facing researchers attempting to find principles that bring structure and clarity into the diversity and richness of contemporary literary production. My research has literary historiographical ambitions but aims to avoid the simplifying and restrictive perspectives inherent to the attempts at periodization. The text describes the challenges of this attempt, poses the research question and outlines the methodology that will be employed in the analyses of the novels in an attempt to answer the research question. [Jiný výsledek]
Anna Krýsová, Case study 2. In the second case study I analyse the novel Onschuld (2014) by a Flemish writer Jeroen Theunissen. This analysis is structured around four shifts away from postmodernism that are visible in the contemporary novel. The focus on affect brings out questions of commitment, impasse of agency, the processing of current political crises (war in Syria) and ethics. My methodological focus of oscillation helps to trace the ambiguities, ironies and attempts at sincerity present in the novel. [Jiný výsledek]
Anna Krýsová, Case study 3. In the third case study, I analyse Zonder noorden komt niemand thuis (2009), a novel by Nelleke Noordervliet. I utilize the methodological potential of the concept of dominant by choosing certain textual strategies and characteristics of the novel that foreground various questions. I focus on the difference between ontological and epistemological questions and contemporary affective questions. I also describe how the principle of oscillation captures the novel's movement between different questions. This textual and formal focus sets my research apart from other analyses of contemporary novels in the Dutch and Flemish literary field, because these are mostly ideologically motivated and thematically focused. [Jiný výsledek]
Poslední změna: 31. květen 2022 14:50 
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