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Výsledky projektu Topografie lopatkové krajiny ve vztahu k periferním nervům a anatomickému podkladu jejich útlaku


▼▲Typ výsledku ▼▲Autor celku ▼▲Název celku
(Celkem 16 zázn.)
Al-Redouan, Azzat; Kachlik, David. . Letter to the Editor: Regarding "An Unusual Bilateral Duplication of the Suprascapular Vein and Its Relation to the Superior Transverse Scapular Ligament Revealed by Anatomage Table". . Acta Medica Academica. , 2020, sv. 49(3), s. 297–298. ISSN 1840-2879. IF 0. [Článek v časopise]
Letter to the Editor:
[non-IF peer-reviewed journal]
DOI: 10.5644/ama2006-124.320.
Olsona, Carl V. L.; Kachlik, David;, Al-Redouan, Azzat . Calculating curvature through gradient descent and nonlinear regression: A novel mathematical approach to digital anatomical morphometry.. Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering, 2022, sv. Under review, s. Under review–Under review. ISSN 0208-5216. IF 4.314. [Článek v časopise]
Submitted manuscript- Under Review
[Manuscript Number: BBE-D-22-00060]
IF 4.314 /2020 (Q2)
Al-Redouan, Azzat; Kachlik, David. . Scapula revisited: new features identified and denoted by terms using consensus method of Delphi and taxonomy panel to be implemented in radiological and surgical practice.. Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery. , 2022, sv. 31(2), s. e68–e81. ISSN 1058-2746. IF 3.019. [Článek v časopise]
DOI: 10.1016/j.jse.2021.07.020.
IF 3.019/2020 (Q2)
Al-Redouan, Azzat; Hudak, Radovan; Nanka, Ondrej; Kachlik, David. . Morphological Stenosis Pattern of Suprascapular Notch in Human Concerning Suprascapular Nerve Anatomical Entrapment.. Journal of Anatomy, 2019, sv. 236, s. 295–296. ISSN 0021-8782. IF 2.638. [Článek v časopise]
19th Congress of International Federation of Associations of Anatomists (IFAA 2019) (9.-11.8.2019), London, United Kingdom.
Accession Number: WOS:000524885900538
IF 2.638/2018 (Q1)
Al-Redouan, Azzat; Hudak, Radovan; Nanka, Ondrej; Kachlik, David.. The morphological stenosis pattern of the suprascapular notch is revealed yielding higher incidence in the discrete type and elucidating the inevitability of osteoplasty in horizontally oriented stenosis. . Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy. , 2021, sv. 29(7), s. 2272–2280. ISSN 0942-2056. IF 4.342. [Článek v časopise]
IF 4.342/2020 (Q1)
Al-Redouan, Azzat; Holding, Keiv; Kachlik, David. “Suprascapular canal”: Anatomical and topographical description and its clinical implication in entrapment syndrome. . Annals of Anatomy, 2021, sv. 233, s. 151593–151602. ISSN 0940-9602. IF 2.698. [Článek v časopise]
DOI: 10.1016/j.aanat.2020.151593.
IF 2.698/2020 (Q1)
Olsona, Carl V. L.; Kachlik, David;, Al-Redouan, Azzat. , ORAL PRESENTATION - Calculating curvature through gradient descent and nonlinear regression: A novel mathematical approach to digital anatomical morphology 11.Sep.2021, The 52nd International Congress of the Czech Anatomical Society- Morphology 2021. Prague, ČR [Jiný výsledek]
Al-Redouan, Azzat; Holding, Keiv; Kachlik, David. , ORAL PRESENTATION - “Suprascapular canal”: Anatomical and topographical description and its clinical implication in entrapment syndrome. 10.Sep.2021, The 52nd International Congress of the Czech Anatomical Society- Morphology 2021. Prague, ČR [Jiný výsledek]
Al-Redouan, Azzat; Sadat, Mehdi; Holding, Keiv; Theodorakioglou, Aimilia; Belbl, Miroslav, Zhauyrova, Madina; Nesterenko, Polina; Nanka, Ondrej; Kachlik, David. , POSTER - Mapping the suprascapular notch topographical variations as a guidance to ultrasound imaging 10.Sep.2021, The 52nd International Congress of the Czech Anatomical Society- Morphology 2021. Prague, ČR [Jiný výsledek]
Al-Redouan, A.; Holding, K.; H.; Kachlík, D., POSTER- Mapping the suprascapular notch topographical variations as a guidance to ultrasound imaging.1-2.10.2020, The Scientific Conference of the Second Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Prague, ČR [Jiný výsledek]
Al-Redouan, Azzat; Theodorakioglou, Aimilia; Salavova, Sarka; Cvrcek, Jan; Veleminska, Jana; Veleminsky, Petr; Kachlik, David. , POSTER- Suprascapular osseous canal enclosing the passage between the suprascapular and spinoglenoid notches would hinder suprascapular nerve block and posterior surgical approach: Case report series 10.Sep.2021, The 52nd International Congress of the Czech Anatomical Society - Morphology 2021. Prague, ČR [Jiný výsledek]
Olson, Carl, V. L.; Al-Redouan, Azzat; Kachlik, David., POSTER- Calculating curvature through gradient descent and nonlinear regression: A novel mathematical approach to digital anatomical morphology. 1-2.10.2020, The Scientific Conference of the Second Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Prague, ČR [Jiný výsledek]
Al-Redouan, Azzat; Holding, Keiv; Kachlik, David., ORAL PRESENTATION- “Suprascapular canal”: Anatomical and topographical description and its clinical implication in entrapment syndrome. 1-2.10.2020, The Scientific Conference of the Second Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Prague, ČR [Jiný výsledek]
Al-Redouan, Azzat; Hudák, Radovan; Naňka, Ondrej; Kachlík, David., POSTER- orphological Stenosis Pattern of Suprascapular Notch in Human Concerning Suprascapular Nerve Anatomical Entrapment. 9.-11.8.2019, The 19th Congress of International Federation of Associations of Anatomists (IFAA 2019), London, United Kingdom. M [Jiný výsledek]
Al-Redouan, A.; Kachlík, D., POSTER- Scapula – new anatomical terms of not yet described structures: a modified Delphi approach. 5.-7.9. 2019,The 45th International Congress of the Slovak Anatomical Society – Morphology 2019, Štrbské Pleso, Slovakia [Jiný výsledek]
Al-Redouan, Azzat.; Hudák, Radovan.; Naňka, Ondrej.; Kachlík, David., POSTER- Morphological stenosis pattern of suprascapular notch and potential risk of suprascapular nerve anatomical entrapement according to its variant types.10.-11.4.2019, The Scientific Conference of the Second Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Prague, ČR [Jiný výsledek]
Poslední změna: 31. květen 2022 14:50 
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