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Výsledky projektu Právní účinky Listiny základních práv EU v řízení před soudy členských států


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(Celkem 4 zázn.)
Král, Richard; Mádr, Petr. On the (in)applicability of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights to national measures exceeding the requirements of minimum harmonisation Directives. European Law Review, 2021, sv. 46, s. 81–91. ISSN 0307-5400. IF 0.768. [Článek v časopise]
Abstract: This article responds to the Court of Justice of the European Union’s (CJEU’s) recent judgment in TSN and AKT (C-609/17 and C-610/17), in which the Grand Chamber ruled on the fundamental question of whether the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights is applicable to national measures that exceed the requirements of minimum harmonisation EU directives. Faced with a choice between two competing theories which had developed in the case law and scholarship, the CJEU decided—against the advice of AG Bot—that such national measures, insofar as they exceed those minimum requirements, do not fall within the scope of the EU Charter. This article discusses the reasoning relied on by the Advocate General and the Grand Chamber respectively, with an emphasis on the key difference between power-granting and power-recognising clauses in EU directives. The article then reflects on some conceptual and terminological implications of the CJEU’s ruling. The aim is to bring further clarity, and a certain refinement, when it comes to determining the Charter’s applicability to national “toppings” to minimum harmonisation EU directives.
Mádr, Petr. Article 51 of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights from the Perspective of the National Judge . Review of European Administrative Law, 2020, sv. 13, s. 53–85. ISSN 1874-7981. [Článek v časopise]
Abstract: This article contributes to the growing scholarship on the national application of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights ('the Charter') by assessing what challenges national courts face when dealing with Article 51 of the Charter, which sets out the Charter's material scope of application. In keeping with this aim, the relevant case law of the Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU) - with its general formulas, abstract guidance and implementation categories - is discussed strictly from the perspective of the national judge. The article then presents the findings of a thorough study of the case law of the Czech Supreme Administrative Court (SAC) and evaluates this Court's track record when assessing the Charter's applicability. National empirical data of that kind can provide valuable input into the CJEU-centred academic debate on the Charter's scope of application.
Mádr, Petr, Dizertační práce. Rukopis dizertační práce byl odsouhlasen k obhajobě českým vedoucím práce, profesorem Richardem Králem. Vzhledem k administrativní náročnosti doktorátu pod dvojím vedením a nutnosti koordinovat odevzdání práce s francouzským vedoucím práce, profesorem Martuccim, ještě dizertančí práce nebyla formálně odevzdána. Text práce je ovšem finální a přikládám jej proto jako podklad pro hodnocení výstupů projektu. [Jiný výsledek]
Mádr, Petr, Původní článek v anglickém jazyce s názvem "Legal effects of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights in proceedings before the Czech Supreme Administrative Court: A typology" [Jiný výsledek]
Poslední změna: 31. květen 2022 14:50 
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