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Výsledky projektu Interakce konvekce a magnetických polí na Slunci


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(Celkem 11 zázn.)
García-Rivas, Marta, Jurčák, Jan, Bello González, Nazaret. Magnetic properties on the boundary of an evolving pore. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2021, sv. 649, s. A129–A129. ISSN 1432-0746. IF 5.803. [Článek v časopise]
Abbasvand, V., Sobotka, M., Švanda, M., Heinzel, P., García-Rivas, M. et al. . Observational study of chromospheric heating by acoustic waves. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2020, sv. 642, s. A52–A52. ISSN 1432-0746. IF 5.636. [Článek v časopise]
García-Rivas, M., Jurčák, J., Bello González, N.. Vertical Magnetic Field on the Boundary of an Evolving Pore. In J. Šafránková and J. Pavlů. WDS'19 Proceedings of Contributed Papers — Physics. : MATFYZPRESS, 2019. s. 183–188. ISBN 978-80-7378-409-6. [Článek ve sborníku]
García Rivas, M., Jurčák, J., Bello González, N.,, Contributed HMI Science Nugget #158 http://hmi.stanford.edu/hminuggets/?p=3553 [Jiný výsledek]
García Rivas, M., Jurčák, J., Bello González, N.,, "The role of magnetic fields in the evolution of pores", Contributed parallel session talk at the virtual European Solar Physics Meeting ESPM-16, 6-10 September 2021 [Jiný výsledek]
García Rivas, M., Jurčák, J., Bello González, N.,, "Magnetic Properties On The Boundary Of Evolving Pores" Contributed poster at the virtual conference IIA-50 “Advances in Observation and Modelling of Solar Magnetism and Variability”, Bengaluru, India, 1 - 4 March 2021 [Jiný výsledek]
García Rivas, M., Jurčák, J., Bello González, N., "Vertical magnetic fields on the boundary of evolving pores", Contributed talk at the virtual Annual Meeting of the German Astronomical Society, 21-25 September 2020 [Jiný výsledek]
García Rivas, M., Jurčák, J., Bello González, N., "Solar pores - A magnetic evolution laboratory", Contributions to the XIV.0 Scientific Meeting (virtual) of the Spanish Astronomical Society, held 13-15 July 2020, online at https://www.sea-astronomia.es/reunion-cientifica-2020, id.198 [Jiný výsledek]
García Rivas, M., Jurčák, J., Bello González, N., "Vertical magnetic fields on evolving pores", contributed talk at the virtual 25th National Solar Physics Meeting, Hurbanovo, Slovakia, 20-22 October 2020 [Jiný výsledek]
García Rivas, M., Jurčák, J., Bello González, N., "Solar pores. A magnetic evolution laboratory", Poster and flash talk at the online Solar-Stellar Connection STFC Summer School, 14-18 September 2020 [Jiný výsledek]
García-Rivas, M., Jurčák, J., Bello González, N., Schilenmaier, R. , Poster presented at the IAU Symposium 354, Solar and Stellar Magnetic Fields: Origins and Manifestations, 30 June - 6 July, 2019, Copiapó, Chile. [Jiný výsledek]
Poslední změna: 31. květen 2022 14:50 
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