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test projekty gauk

Výsledky projektu Kdo zasedá? Zastoupení států u mezinárodních organizací


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(Celkem 8 zázn.)
Vlček, Václav. How Many at the Table? Size Variation of National Delegations to Plenary Meetings of International Organizations. Czech Journal of International Relations, 2021, sv. 56, s. 7–33. ISSN 0323-1844. [Článek v časopise]
The publication was dedicated to the Faculty of Social Sciences and the GAUK project number 26119: Who Sits at The Table? States Representation in International Organizations.

The citation of the publication is: Vlcek, V. 2021. “How Many at the Table? Size Variation of National Delegations to Plenary Meetings of International Organizations.” Mezinárodní vztahy. 56 (1): 7-33.

The journal is a high-quality Czech journal on international relations, recently listed among the Web of Science Emerging Sources.
Vlček, Václav, Manuscript: Who Cares About the UN General Assembly? National Delegations Size from 1993 to 2016. Tha manuscript is currently under the revise and resubmit stage in the Global Policy journal (2020 impact factor: 2.084). I attach the manuscript and the email from the executive editor of the journal as a proof. [Jiný výsledek]
Vlček, Václav, Quantitative data on the composition of all national delegations in three UN General Assembly meetings (1995, 2005, 2015). The dataset was manually compiled and consists of more than 21000 observations (195 countries X 3 UN General Assembly meetings X 36 variables). The data and codebook are attached as pdf files. [Jiný výsledek]
Vlcek, Vaclav, How Many at the Table? Size Variation of National Delegations to Plenary Meetings of International Organizations - accepted article in the Czech Journal of International Relations. Currently in proofreading and production process. [Jiný výsledek]
Vlcek, Vaclav, Newly collected quantitative dataset on national delegations' size in UN General Assembly meetings from 1993 to 2017. Almost 5000 manually compiled Excel rows. [Jiný výsledek]
Vlcek, Vaclav, Draft version (from November 2019) of the first article to be submitted. After some feedback from fellow PhD students and the supervisor, the article is revised in order to be submitted in the following weaks, most likely to The British Journal of Politics and International Relations which has already published an article dealing with a similar issue. Regarding the changes, there will be some revisions in the theoretical framing which requires modification of the statistical model and new calculations. [Jiný výsledek]
Vlcek, Vaclav, The data on the size of national permanent representations in 3 UN offices. The dataset consists of 247 observations. [Jiný výsledek]
Vlcek, Vaclav, Quantitative data on the size of national delegations in IOs. Almost 3500 observations involving 14 IOs and all existing states. The data were manually compiled. [Jiný výsledek]
Poslední změna: 31. květen 2022 14:50 
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