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test projekty gauk

Výsledky projektu Funkční charakterizace nádorových kmenových buněk močového měchýře v xenotransplantačních modelech NSG myši a zebřičky


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(Celkem 4 zázn.)
Ogan, Betul Melike , I presented this poster at a poster at the Czech Society for Analytical Cytometry (CSAC) 2019 in Prague from 21to 24th Sept 2019. Result: 7-color panel (see it on the poster and in the last year results) was used to identify EMT / proliferation / ploidy in different cell types (basal, intermediate and luminal or squamous). Bladder cancer (BLCA) patient samples show very high heterogeneity with unsupervised analysis of current data. [Jiný výsledek]
Koladiya, Abhishek, This poster was presented at CEM in Vienna in 2019, as per plan new samples from TURBT and/or cystoscopy washouts were be collected, processed, bio-banked. Abhishek Koladiya re-analyzed selected bio-banked patient samples (N=18) based on clinical classification following the following criteria: patient samples with higher number of cellularity (>100 000 cells), positivity of KRT18 (general bladder epithelial) and clinical/pathological information – patient samples were divided in 4 cohorts – control, Low Grade (N=8) High Grade (N=5) High Grade+CIS (N=4) Progressor (N=1). In order to identify cancer stem cells (CSCs) the data were analyzed using EmbedSOM algorithm. [Jiný výsledek]
Koladiya, Abhishek, Conferences and Preprint (see attachment for iteam 1, 2, 3 and 5): 1. 33rd Congress of the International Society for the Advancement of Cytometry -CYTO2018 2. 63rd Annual Conference of the Czech Urological Society (CUS) 3.co-authored an oral presentation(Not available as pdf)- "Comparative analysis of tumor cell phenotype in urine and urinary bladder rinsed during TURB" -Otavová K., Koladiya A., Zachoval R., Matěj R., Ogan B., Drbal K. 4. Annual PhD conference of Cell and Developmental biology board (which received the first prize). 5. Co-authored BioRxiv Preprint: "Kratochvil, M. et al. Rapid single-cell cytometry data visualization with EmbedSOM. bioRxiv 496869 (2018). doi:10.1101/496869" [Jiný výsledek]
Koladiya, Abhishek, Details of results achieved during year 2018. [Jiný výsledek]
Poslední změna: 31. květen 2022 14:50 
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