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Výsledky projektu Dopady neúplného oddělení na českém a evropském trhu s elektřinou


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(Celkem 8 zázn.)
Van Koten, Silvester; Ortmann, Andreas, Project: review of experimental research relevant to the EU electricity markets (review paper) Since the requests for revision of my empirical and theoretical work were substantial and took much longer than I could reasonably expect, our (Van Koten and Ortmann) review of related experimental research took longer than we had hoped . However, a rough draft of this paper has been written. [Jiný výsledek]
Van Koten, Silvester; Ortmann, Andreas, Project: The value of forward markets in the EU electricity markets (experiments) Our review of experimental research identified as an important issue the value of a forward market for electricity, which is closely related to my earlier work. We investigated the value of forward markets for electricity in the EU, differentiating between the old and new EU member states. An earlier theoretical article by Allaz and Villa (published in the high impact journal Journal of Economic Theory in 1993) predicts that a forward market will bring about more competitive outcomes. We ran experimental sessions to find out if we can expect these theoretical prediction to hold in energy markets. I expect a draft of the paper to be available by June 30th. [Jiný výsledek]
Van Koten, Silvester; Ortmann, Andreas, As a spin-off of the project "Effect of institutions on electricity prices", we developed a related work focused on the effect of a corruption index (CPI) on unbundling. This paper (by Van Koten and Ortmann) was published in 2007 as a CERGE-EI working paper under the title “The unbundling regime for electricity utilities in the EU: A case of legislative and regulatory capture?”. The paper was selected for presentation at the EEA-ESEM 2007 conference in Budapest. In 2008 it was published in a top journal (Energy Economics). In addition, we wrote a policy paper. [Jiný výsledek]
Van Koten, Silvester; Mravec, Michal, Project: Effect of institutions on electricity prices. We have created a rich databasis. The full analysis will be done by April 30th. We expect the paper to be published in an international journal. [Jiný výsledek]
Van Koten, Silvester, "Legally separated joint ownership of buyer and seller in electricity markets", revised draft improving the earlier version: "Legally separated joint ownership of bidder and auctioneer: illustrated by the partial deregulation of the EU electricity markets". The draft incorporates comments of the participants of the conferences the earlier was presented. Now I am revising it to incorporate the comments of anonymous referees of the International Journal of Industrial Economics. [Jiný výsledek]
Van Koten, Silvester, “Legally separated joint ownership of bidder and auctioneer: illustrated by the partial deregulation of the EU electricity markets“, a CERGE-EI working paper, 2007. This paper analyzes how additional legal restrictions (on the generators owned by VIUs) could neutralize negative welfare effects. The project resulted in a publication as a working paper of CERGE-EI in 2007 entitled “Legally separated joint ownership of bidder and auctioneer: illustrated by the partial deregulation of the EU electricity markets“ The paper was selected for presentation at the EEA-ESEM 2008 conference in Milano (Italy), at the Energy Challenges in Northern Europe 2008 conference in Turku (Finland), and at the Econometric Society Winter Meetings 2008 in Cambridge (UK). [Jiný výsledek]
Van Koten, Silvester, "The effects of vertical integration on auction outcomes in the EU and US electricity markets", Paper resubmitted to the Journal of Regulatory Economics in 2008. An earlier version of the paper was awarded the 2nd place in the Prague 2007 academic student competition for the best theoretical paper. Furthermore, it was invited for presentation at the ATINER 2008 conference in Athens. The present version was invited to be presented at the 2009 Institutional workshop of the Coase foundation in Bratislava. Furthermore, as a byproduct a Policy Paper was written, which is at the moment in print (last version attached) [Jiný výsledek]
Van Koten, Silvester, Van Koten, S., 2007. Legally separated joint ownership of bidder and auctioneer: Illustrated by the partial deregulation of the EU Electricity markets. CERGE-EI Working Paper. In Print [Jiný výsledek]
Poslední změna: 31. květen 2022 14:50 
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