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       Faith in Song – More than 500 years of Hymns in print and practice

Faith in Song – More than 500 years of Hymns in print and practice

The International Hymnological Society Internationale Arbeitschgemeinschaft für Hymnologie (IAH) in cooperation with the Department of Music Education, Faculty of Education, Charles University and the Institute of Czech Literature and Comparative Literature, Faculty of Arts, Charles University invite you to the 33rd International Hymnological Conference on the theme Faith in Song. Piesničky (1501) at the beginning of a more than 500 years of Hymns in print and practice.

The conference meeting, which will take place from July 29 to August 2 in the premises of the Faculty of Education, Charles University, will offer, in addition to the professional part, a rich accompanying program of concerts, cultural events, and Christian spiritual ecumenical program. The conference will be followed by a two-day excursion to significant places associated with the earliest history of Czech spiritual songs.

For more information about the conference program, please visit the IAH website.

For more information about the conference program, please visit the IAH website.

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4.07 2024 11:35



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