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Join the Debate with PostDoc Dr. Lenka Slavíková

Come and debate with PostDoc Dr. Lenka Slavíková , who will share her experience with the position of PostDoc in the Czech Republic.

This debate is seen as an informal social event where you can meet and talk to other students or academic workers on a wider topic. Small refreshment is part of the event.

The guest is: Dr. Lenka Slavíková from Faculty of Mathematics and Physics

The debate is held in english and takes place on Monday 30th October 2023 in Hybernska Campus in building 2D. The capacity of the event is 20 people and it is necessary to register in advance.

WHERE: Hybernska Campus, building 2D

WHEN: 30th October 2023

TIME: from 17:45 to 19:00

REGISTRATION: Educational Portal

CAPACITY: 20 participants

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Poslední změna:

5.10 2023 13:45



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