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       Akce 2024
Dětský uzel aktuálního dokumentu Inspiration Café

Zúčastněte se neformálního setkání vysokoškolských vyučujících. Tématem prvního setkání jsou principy kooperativního učení s důrazem na jejich aplikaci na vysokých školách.


18. ledna 2024, 15:00-17:30

Divadelní klub Kampusu Hybernská (Hybernská 4, Praha 1, budova A, třetí patro).

Externí odkaz E-zdroje ve výuce

aneb příklady dobré praxe.

Zúčastněte se webináře pro vyučující a doktorandy o používání e-zdrojů ve výuce. Přednášejícími budou pedagogové z různých vysokých škol, kteří Vám ukážou, jaké úkoly svým studentů zadávají i jak je posléze vyhodnocují.


17. dubna 2024, 9:30 - 12:30

Online - MS Teams

Dětský uzel aktuálního dokumentu Writing Effective Literature Reviews Workshop

This 3-hour workshop is designed to help Ph.D. students and academics, especially non-native English speakers, on how to write an effective academic literature review. The seminar is interactive and will include open discussion.

Externí odkaz Webinars about Open Science

Everything you always wanted to know about Open Science but were afraid to ask!

Attend one of the seminars on transparency and collaboration in the academic world.



Dětský uzel aktuálního dokumentu English for Academic Writing Workshop

The 9-hour program will teach you how to plan, organize, and write clear, well-structured, and accurate texts for publication. Realistic communicative activities will help you present your ideas with clarity and precision. The seminar is interactive and will include open discussion.


22nd, 24th and 29th April 2024; 14:00–17:00


Externí odkaz How to Become a Reflective Teacher

Join our workshop tailored for educators aiming to enrich their teaching through reflection. Discover and master reflective tools and techniques, allowing you to critically assess your methods, engage with feedback received, and improve instructional strategies.


March, 18; 14:00 - 17:00


Externí odkaz Writefull - automatic proofreading of scientific writing

Writefull is a tool for academic writing that provides advanced proofreading in English. It is designed for all researchers and students who write and publish scientific texts in English, although they are non-native speakers.


5th March, 15:00


Externí odkaz Everything you always wanted to know about Open Science but were afraid to ask!

Attend one of the seminars on transparency and collaboration in the academic world.

This time is the topic: Citizen science

July 1, 14:00-15:30


Externí odkaz Everything you always wanted to know about Open Science but were afraid to ask! @@29_5@@

Attend one of the seminars on transparency and collaboration in the academic world.

This time is the topic: Searching for open access works

May 15, 14:30-16:00


Externí odkaz Everything you always wanted to know about Open Science but were afraid to ask! @@13_6@@

Attend one of the seminars on transparency and collaboration in the academic world.

This time is the topic: The FAIR principles in science, technology and engineering – How to write a good Data Management Plan for FAIR research data

June 13, 14:00-15:30


Externí odkaz Everything you always wanted to know about Open Science but were afraid to ask!

Attend one of the seminars on transparency and collaboration in the academic world.

This time is the topic: Searching for open access works

June 19, 15:00-16:30


Externí odkaz Everything you always wanted to know about Open Science but were afraid to ask! @@1_7@@

Attend one of the seminars on transparency and collaboration in the academic world.

This time is the topic: Searching for open access works

May 15, 14:30-16:00


Externí odkaz Everything you always wanted to know about Open Science but were afraid to ask!

Attend one of the seminars on transparency and collaboration in the academic world.

This time is the topic: Open Science and Evaluation, how to reward open practices

July 16, 14:30-16:00


Externí odkaz Leadership – Jak se stát inspirativním leaderem?

Zajímá Vás, jak fungují lídři, za kterými rádi jdeme? Chcete sami inspirovat ostatní?

Zveme Vás na další ze série Inovačních workshopů CPPT UK, kterým tentokrát provede kouč a „leader praktik“, Jiří Bréda.


úterý 19. března 2024, 9:00 – 12:00

Kampusu Hybernská v budově D, 2. poschodí

Externí odkaz Free spring school for early career researchers

If you are researching the impact of digital technology on individuals and societies and want to explore how working with other disciplines can advance your research, the spring school Interdisciplinarity in DigiTech Research might be of interest to you.


24th - 26th April 2024, Prague

Externí odkaz Taxation in the Czech Republic

Are you interested in finding out more about taxation in the Czech Republic and your obligations as a taxpayer? Sign up for the webinar now!


February 28, 2024, 10:00-12:00 am.

Externí odkaz Kurz Analytik prostorových dat

Zúčastněte se kurzu, který je zaměřený na možnosti geografických analýz v městském prostředí s využitím moderních technologických nástrojů a metod.

Účastníkům kurzu bude udělen mikrocertifikát


květen-červen 2024 (pátek - 14:00-17:00)

Albertov 6, Praha 2

Externí odkaz Organizing for the future-knowledge transfer and impact

Research impact - using research to make a beneficial change in the world beyond academia

Attend online seminar about social impact of scientific research.

May 22, 2024; 15:00 - 17:00

Join online HERE

Externí odkaz Organizing for the future-knowledge transfer and impact

Research impact - using research to make a beneficial change in the world beyond academia

Attend online seminar about social impact of scientific research.


May 22, 2024; 15:00 - 17:00

Join online HERE

Externí odkaz Entrepreneurial and Intrapreneurial Project Management

Take the next step in your career!

Attend seven month prestigious Diploma that is aimed at students who want to learn project management.

Application deadline: August, 31


Pro zájemce o studium pořádá UK v týdnu od 13. do 17. února Informační týden. Webové stránky usnadní zájemcům orientaci v nabídce studia i podmínkách přijímacího řízení.


Komentáře a dotazy zasílejte z kontaktního formuláře, Poslední aktualizace : 4.07 2024 11:35 , © Univerzita Karlova v Praze