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       Active learning

Active learning


Universities are expected to educate skilled graduates who possess great problem-solving skills. This is possible when appropriate methods of teaching are chosen and students are active and involved in the teaching-learning process. Many years of research proves that students should do more in class than just listen. They should read, write, discuss and engage in problem-solving activities. Most importantly, to be actively engaged, students need to undertake higher-order thinking tasks such as analysis, synthesis and evaluation. Thanks to active learning, not only do we improve students’ participation in class, but also develop their core transversal competencies.

During the workshop we will attempt to answer the following questions:

  • What does active learning mean? What does psychology tell us about active learning?

  • How can I activate my students during a lecture/seminar/online? 

  • What teaching strategies promote active learning? How to use them effectively?

If you have asked yourself the exact same questions or you just struggle with implementing active learning in your class, register for the workshop and let us explore this topic together.

The course is designed for those with English language proficiency at B2 level or above.


Mgr. Bartłomiej Wróblewski

He graduated from Kazimierz Wielki University (Bydgoszcz, Poland) with a master’s degree in English Philology and a postgraduate degree in Pedagogy. He currently works as a pedagogical skills development coordinator at Charles University in Prague. He also taught at the Institute of Applied Language Studies at the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen where he specialized in English for Mechanical Engineers. His main area of interest is didactics, needs analysis and curriculum development. He attended many international courses that aimed to develop teaching skills, e.g. “Teaching Methodology and English Language Development” in Bournemouth, England, or “Use of Innovative ICT Tools in Switching to Online Learning” in Vilnius, Lithuania. He cooperates with five European universities on the project “E-learning prospects for humanities” whose purpose is the development and dissemination of modern online teaching tools and the exchange of good practices in the field of distance learning. As he is also a piano teacher, he spends his free time making music with his friends.


When? 12. 4. 2023, 15:00 - 18:30

Where? Rectorate CU, Green auditorium (room 141), Celetná 20, Prague 1

Registration HERE

Participation in the program is free of charge.

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7.03 2023 13:02



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