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       How to transform lectures in the age of recording?

How to transform lectures in the age of recording?

What is the best way to use our time together with our students? The answer to this question may have changed over the past two years; many of us now have detailed video lectures that allow students to learn facts and concepts outside of class time. In this workshop, we will discuss a structured way of thinking about how to use class time when students already have these videos, especially how to build on the knowledge in the videos to give students practice with the difficult and complex tasks of our fields.


Professor Sarah Leupen from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, USA, is one of the world’s foremost lecturers on student-centred learning and the team-based learning method.

Prof. Leupen is Principal Lecturer at UMBC, where leads workshops in evidence-based teaching, motivating students, Team-Based Learning, and other topics; interested in best practices for training students to think quantitatively.

Date: 17. 2. 2022

Time: 14:00 - 15:30 hod.

Form: DISTANCE - MS Teams (link will be sent)

Registration: here

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7.02 2022 13:09



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