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       Socially Engaged Arts and Civic Engagement | Seminar

Socially Engaged Arts and Civic Engagement | Seminar

Acting on the Margins: Arts as Social Sculpture (AMASS) explores and evaluates the impacts of socially engaged art on different communities around Europe. A consortium of 8 European partners has conducted extensive research on socially engaged arts projects, including over 30 documented projects forming part of this Horizon 2020 research study.

This AMASS seminar aims to present research and creative outcomes of these many research projects, exploring questions related to issues like the documentation and communication of participatory practices, creative engagement and elderly persons, citizenship, pedagogies and museum education.

Seminar speakers will present findings from AMASS research, covering disciplines from analogue photography to theatre and participant groups from rural communities, to young people and the elderly.

Seminar is free, however booking is required through this form.

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4.01 2022 12:07



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