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       Emergency in education

The International Doctoral Conference (online) focuses on current topics in education. The morning block consists of the presentations of main contributors from Czech and foreign universities across disciplines. The afternoon block is divided into several sections due to the focus of the contributions. The conference is open to all full-time and part-time doctoral students solving current and traditional topics in their practice, dissertations, and project theses in the field of education, pedagogy, didactics, special education, psychology, philosophy, andragogy, and others.

The registration for the conference is possible either as an active, or a passive participant. The conference output is an online peer-reviewed collective publication (with an ISBN). The publication contributions submission is due by June 30 and the

contribution must meet all the requirements of the PedF UK Publishing House: http://vydavatelstvi.pedf.cuni.cz/index.php/pokyny-pro-autory/

The duration of morning block presentations is 30 minutes + 15 minutes discussion. The duration of afternoon block presentations is 20 minutes + 10 minutes discussion. The contributions to both blocks are subject to the selection procedure of the conference organizing team.

The organizing team reserves the right to exclude contributions as well as to cancel the event.

The conference is organized by the departments of psychology, special education, and civics and philosophy. PhD students from any university and department can apply.

Should you need any further information, do not hesitate to ask anna.kubickova@cosiv.cz

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19.05 2021 13:43



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