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       Přednáška a workshop: Combining Theory and Practice in Teacher Training

Katedra preprimární a primární pedagogiky zve všechny zájemce na odborná setkání věnovaná problematice propojování teoretické a praktické přípravy učitelů a problematice vstupu studentů učitelství do praxe.

Přednáší a workshop vede prof. Dr. Manuela Keller-Schneider, Pädagogische Hochschule Zürich.

Příspěvek i diskuse proběhnou v angličtině. Tlumočení nebude zajištěno.

Odborná setkání se konají v rámci řešení projektu Progres Q 17.

Středa 13.11. 2019

Rettigové 4, R 118, 15:00 – 16:00 Přednáška, 16:15 – 18:15 Workshop

Lecture: Combining Theory and Practice - A Core Characteristic of Zurich University of Teacher Education

Zurich University of Teacher Education facilitates programs for Kindergarten, Primary and Secondary School, as well as an induction program and programs of further education. Combining theory and practice is a core characteristic. How teacher education is structured and how actors from University and from the schools contribute will be presented in the first part of the presentation.

In the second part, a specific first-year course on teaching and learning will be presented. The course emphasizes combining theory and practice, it requires a high level of self-regulated learning and different activities of reflection of the students.

In the third part results from a research study will be presented. The study evaluates the learning output of the students in this course and investigates the effects of students’ use of specific learning activities and learning strategies as well as their beliefs and motives on the goal-oriented learning output.

Workshop: Combining Theory and Practice – How are we doing it?

In the Workshop the core elements of this course will be explained. Further more, the tasks, the students are working on will be presented. Based on that we will discuss on possibilities how we can involve student teachers in their learning.

Čtvrtek 14.11. 2019

15:00 – 16:00 Přednáška, Myslíkova 7, M 209

Beginning Teachers’ Perception of Challenge by Professional Requirements

and Implications for Teacher Induction in Switzerland

In the career entry phase, beginning teachers are faced with requirements, even more complex as they got to know during their education as a teacher. In Switzerland, beginning teachers are challenged to master the same tasks as experienced teachers do. But this challenging situation is perceived individually different. How beginning teachers experience the requirement and their dealing with them is in the focus of the results of the presented research study.

Finally, elements of our induction program will be explained.

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11.11 2019 13:56



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