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       Real-World Strategies for the Real-World Classroom - Jak motivovat a zaujmout žáky při výuce angličtiny - workshop

After two semesters teaching pre-service and in-service teachers in the Czech Republic, Drs. Angela Falter Thomas and Michelle Devereaux will share some strategies their Czech students have found useful and engaging for their own classrooms. From collaborative learning to language explorations, they will details how to bring useful instructional models into any classroom. After teaching in schools for twenty years across six grades, Angela Falter Thomas is now an Associate Professor of Reading & Literacy Education at Bowling Green State University in Bowling Green, Ohio, USA. She holds the honor of one of less than 20 teachers in the USA to have achieved two National Board Certifications, sometimes referred to as the teaching profession’s highest honor. She has published over 25 articles and presents extensively at national and international conferences. At her university, she was named the Collegiate Middle Level Association’s Professor of the Year, received the Excellence in College Teaching Award, and has been a Top Three Finalist for the university’s Master Teaching Award. Angela enjoys traveling. She has been to 39 different countries and 33 different states in the USA. She leads study-abroad groups of university students overseas so that she can share her love of traveling and learning with her students. This year she is on a US Fulbright Scholar award teaching for Palacky Univeristy in Olomouc. Michelle D. Devereaux is an Associate Professor of English and English Education at Kennesaw State University in Kennesaw, Georgia, USA. Her work is heavily influenced by her five years as a high school English teacher, where her students taught her the power and personal nature of language use. She has published three books on language instruction and variation in the classroom, with a fourth book coming out in November, 2019. Her first book, Teaching About Dialect Variations and Language in Secondary English Classrooms: Power, Prestige, and Prejudice (Routledge, 2015), won the Richard A. Meade Award for Excellence in English Education Research. She also regularly publishes articles and presents locally, nationally, and internationally on the topic of language instruction and equity in the classroom. When she’s not thinking, teaching, or writing about language in the classroom, she loves swimming in waterfalls, talking to strangers, and going anywhere she’s never been before. This year she is a US Fulbright Scholar in Usti nad Labem at Jan Evangelista Purkyně University.

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21.05 2019 09:37



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