From abstract art to geometrical understanding. Visualisation, manipulation and le ****************************************************************************************** * ****************************************************************************************** From abstract art to geometrical understanding. Visualisation, manipulation and learning Paola Vighi (Universtiy of Parma, Italy) The seminar describes and analyses an activity realised in Kindergarten School with childr old. The starting point is a picture of Kandinsky, titled “Soft hard”, and its reproductio pupils, following particular tasks assigned by the teacher. The activity involves the conc the investigation of geometrical figures and their mutual positions and especially the geo transformations. The analysis of the results furnishes information on child’s approach to knowledge and understanding and interesting suggestions on possible improvements of didact Odborný didakticko-matematický seminář, kde přednáší nejčastěji externí zahraniční spolupr na téma týkající se svého aktuálního výzkumu.