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       History in the public space

History in the public space - The Czech society and historical anniversaries

Allow us to invite you to the conference called "History in the public space - The Czech society and historical anniversaries," which is to be held on the 8th and the 9th November 2018.

The main guest of the conference is the Irish teacher and history's didactics expert Alan McCully, Senior Lecturer in Education in the School of Education in Ulster University, who's main academic focus lies within the problematics of the history education; especially in the societies stricken with political conflicts and the connected issue of teaching the controversial topics. Another part of the conference is going to be his lecture revolving around the topic of "Controversial historical issues in the classroom" (which will be translationed to Czech).

We also recommend the workshop of Roman Anýž and Peter Sokol "How more eights you know, the more one's you get," which centers at the issue of planning the teaching and reflectiong the choice of the teached topics.

A detailed program can be found on the website : https://forumdvp.cz/. To be able to take part in one of the workshops, you need to sign in.

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29.10 2018 09:52



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