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       The Teaching with Primary Resources Seminar

Seminář - Využití primárních zdrojů ve výuce

Seminář je zaměřený na tvorbu, výuku a hodnocení efektivních pedagogických postupů, které integrují primární zdroje do výuky.

Seminář proběhne v angličtině.

The seminar is dedicated to MA degree students. It will be managed by Scott M. Warring (USA). It focuses on: The creation, teaching, and evaluation of content-informed and effective pedagogical practices that integrate primary sources into instruction. Following completion of the course students will have the ability to: Gain a thorough understanding of effective instructional practices with emphases on inquiry-based and student-centered learning using primary sources; Identify exemplary learning experiences associated with teaching with primary sources; Create standards-based, content-informed learning experiences integrating primary sources that exemplify effective instructional practice; Teach, assess, and reflect on their experiences using primary sources in instruction; and Evaluate primary source-based learning experiences; Investigate the effects of primary source-based instruction on student learning.

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5.10 2018 13:36



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