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       XXXI Summer School of History

Charles University, Faculty of education, Institute of the Professional Development of Educational System Employees invites you to XXXI Summer school of history, from 30. June to 4. july 2018 in Prague.

Summer school of history traditionaly offers lectures and discussions with our best historics and experts from another disciplines, from Charles University, another universities, Czech Academy od Sciences and more institutions.

Main theme will by "eight" anniversaries of Czechoslovakian history accompanied by another lectures from europian and world history.

Program is accredited by Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports - Participants will recieve "Charles University Certificate about Summer School of History participation".

Summer school will be held in Czech.

Conception and organisation:

PhDr. Jana Kohnová, Ph.D. a Mgr. Barbora Holubová

Electronical registration and more information about Summer school of history: http://www.pedf.cuni.cz/uprps - "Education"

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Poslední změna:

24.06 2018 11:44



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