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       The maker approach to stem education

The seminar, organised in English, is dedicated to everybody who is interested in multi-disciplinar colleboration in scinec education. Dr. Oliver (USA, North Carolina State University) is currently serving as Principal Investigator on a three-year grant that has established an after-school, informal learning makerspace for girls at a local middle school (see http://makingclub.weebly.com). Dr. Oliver will overview the exploding “maker movement” in America and discuss related technologies in use to interest students in science, technology, and engineering careers (e.g., 3D printing, programmable robotics). Dr. Oliver will also share attempts to document student design and computational thinking in the club via gamification and video-based platforms. Attendees will experiment with simple make projects involving varied circuits (e.g., copper foil, conductive ink/thread) and discuss applications of making in the Czech education system.

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13.11 2017 19:44



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