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       prof. Zvi Zohar - Pilegesh

Prof. Zvi Zohar na Husitské teologické fakultě

Prof. Zvi Zohar z právnické fakulty Bar-Ilanovy univerzity v Izraeli prosloví v rámci Programu rozvoje vědních oblastí na Univerzitě Karlově (PRVOUK) dvě přednášky:

Pilegesh: a Classical Halakhic Framework for Intimate Relationship - and Its Contemporary Potential(s)

13. října 2015, 10:30, zasedací místnost H401


A Pilegesh is a woman living in a permitted relationship with a man to whom she is not married. In an article published in Hebrew, I pointed out that leading rabbis in the past ruled that such a relationship is permissible, when conducted under appropriate guidelines. For a variety of reasons, information about this option had been suppressed by rabbinic authorities. However, I added, in light of current social and religious realities, it might be a good idea to bring this option to the attention of certain segments of the Jewish public.

Giyyur: How a (former) Gentile is Born into the Jewish People or: All Jews are Jews by Birth

14. října 2015, 10:30, Knihovna - studovna


According to Jewish normative tradition (Halakha) and Jewish self-perception, a person born as a Jew remains a Jew, however he behaves. Surprisingly, this is stated in the Talmud only with regard to one kind of Jew: a former Gentile who became Jewish by the halakhic process of giyyur. Indeed, the Talmud says that such a person is like a newly-born (Jewish) child. We will read together sources from all periods of halakha that enable us to understand this view of giyyur as birth, and discuss some contemporary implications.

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12.10 2015 13:00



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